Your Only Role

Allow your soul to speak to you, to provide you with wisdom, love and inner peace. Don’t contradict it with your ego, that listens merely to your infirmities and lack. Become adept to listening to your soul and acting on it. Your soul is always speaking to you, your only role is listening, declaring it, and taking action steps to your dream. Danny G.  

Bringing It To Fruition

Follow your heart and soul, and the universe will open the doors for you. When you do what resonates with your soul whole heartedly, the limitless infinite source always provides for you. He knows what you want and need, and when your desires are aligned with him, nothing can prevent its course. You know there’s an ideal timing for every season, and you know your role in bringing it to fruition. Danny G. 

Nothing Can Pull You Down

Reverse your negative affirmations, so they may be in alignment with the divine. Our thoughts are a stream of affirmations, whether negative or positive, so ensure your thinking resonates with your higher self. When it does, you live as the God or Goddess you are, and nothing can pull you down. Danny G. 

Let Success Rule

Failure becomes yours when you accept it in the core of your being. Failure becomes yours when you allow others to make you feel unworthy or inadequate. Let success rule your mind and soul, and be defined by the grandest version of who you are, not misconceptions of who you think you are. Danny G. 

See It Come To Completion

A suggestion or impression has no power over you unless you accept it as fact. You can program your mind with anything you want, so why let others choose for you? There’s a myriad of impressions out there in the world, so choose which ones resonate with your heart and soul. Don’t become immersed with others’ misconceptions, allow your creation to unfold with God’s plan for your life, and see it come to completion. Danny G. 

The Center Of Your Being

Deep at the center of your being lies peace that surpasses all understanding. Deep at the center of your being lies wisdom for the heart and soul. Deep at the center of your being lies compassion to spark change. Deep at the center of your being is the limitless infinite source and soul that you are, and that’s destined to be. Danny G. 

Open Minded and Receptive

People can be your greatest teacher when you remain open minded and receptive. Allow the good to shape you, and allow the bad to teach you. Be your own judge as you assess what resonates with your core, and what is fabricated by men. Danny G. 

Bound for Success

If you seek to be like everyone else you are conforming. If you don’t feel worthy or capable you’re resisting your inner being. Your inner being says you can conquer anything, and success is your birthright and calling. Regardless, what do you have to offer when you’re conforming? Contrast, uniqueness and authenticity is what creates the world, and it’s what creates breakthroughs and achieving the so called impossible. Be the unique soul you are, don’t conform, and know you’ve got something to give that no one else has. You’re bound for success and abundance. Know this within the depth of your being. Danny G. 

Claim Your Success

Find a spiritual practice that resonates with your soul. Find spiritual teachers that resonates with your core. In time you’ll see progress and personal growth. Every action that stems from the divine has rippling effects if you persist with faith. Don’t let the adversity cause you to give in, speak to your challenge, and claim your success. Danny G. 

It Starts With Passion

When you truly believe in yourself and you have passion within the depth of your soul, that’s what gives life and success to your dream. You’re not confined by the past or lack, but you fully embrace your authenticity and uniqueness. Every dream began with a passion, so don’t resist it, embrace it, and allow it to flourish. Danny G.