When we revert to a chemical to heal or numb the pain, our emotions lie dormant in the depth of our soul. Our emotions wait to be discovered through seeking within for its essential calling. When we don’t deal with our emotions, and we keep burying them with a chemical, we become dependent on something outside ourselves. When we always seek outside ourselves, we can never truly heal and be abundant. All good comes within, so don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
The Inevitable Destination
As long as you have joy, wisdom and discernment, you’re on the right path. Don’t over complicate life with should have’s, as if there’s only one right road. There are many roads to Rome, with many detours, and adventures. Nevertheless, all roads lead back to Rome, the essential calling of your soul. Danny G.
Lit With A New Fire
Don’t allow life to dull your sparkle. If you allow it, life can become so mundane and dull, you forget why you’re here. When you focus merely on existence and obligations, life becomes a tedious task with no end results. Find something that lifts your spirits, that gives you passion and zest for life. Then the tedious task is lit with a new fire, engraved in your soul. Danny G.
Letting It Blossom
Physical attraction alone cannot sustain a relationship. Love takes a deep connection, more than lust and more than physical beauty alone. It takes persistence, an intimacy for each other to discover ourselves anew. Don’t deny it, just let it be, and let it blossom for the evolution of your soul. Danny G.
Your Unique Soul’s Purpose
Life chose you for your personal growth and the expansion of all that is. God chose you for your spiritual evolution and the evolution of humanity. If you didn’t have a purpose God wouldn’t have birthed you and created you in this physical plane. Therefore, don’t doubt and trust in the process. Know the unique soul that you are has purpose and destiny for all. Danny G.
A Purpose from the Start
Why do you feel unworthy because you haven’t achieved a state of perfection? Do you believe God wouldn’t have a purpose for you if he created you? Do you think God created you to be perfect? God created you to enjoy the physical experience you know as life. He created you because he knew the unique soul that you are had a purpose from the start. Danny G.
Becoming One With the Divine
You come from the divine, a source of love and joy. You come from an infinite energy that creates beings and worlds. When you’re in alignment, this energy flows. And you and the divine become one, the essential calling of your soul. Danny G.
Do What Resonates With You
Don’t let money or recognition be your primary objective. Do what resonates with your soul and let the universe handle the rest. When you do what resonates with your soul, the universe conspires on your behalf for its glory. Danny G.
Engraved in the Soul
It’s God’s desire for you to have inner peace that surpasses all understanding. When you’re at peace, you’re happy, healthy and truly fulfilled. When you’re at peace, you know the universe is as it should be, and orchestrated in your divine favor. You know there’s a sequence for everything, and a timing for everything. You know seasons come and go, and obstacles enter without a warning in sight, but your peace remains, as you steadily engrave it in your soul. Danny G.
Always Returning Home
Everything that happens in your life is for the evolution of your soul. Everything brings you back to your spiritual journey, the essence of who you are. You may forget from time to time, but life will cause you to remember again. You’re a spiritual being who comes from the divine, and you’re bound to know yourself better. You’re bound to know who you truly are, and remember the laws that govern humanity. You’re bound to know the laws so you can thrive, and when you thrive, you inevitably lead by the clarity of your example. Danny G.