When you embarked on this journey, perhaps the unknown felt scary or lonely. Maybe you were in doubt and uncertainty. Remember that you are never separated from the divine. He lives in you, so whenever afraid or lost, call out the inner God within you, and allow him to lead the path. Danny G.
Unexpected to Surprise
At times when you’re embarking on a journey of personal discovery, what you think is ideal for you may not be. Source, your higher self knows what you need at this particular time. He can see the big picture. Lighten up, chin up and allow the unexpected to surprise you. Danny G.
Our Greatest Guidance
Let your passion and enthusiasm guide you through your journey to your destination. Your passion comes from the inner you. Your enthusiasm inspires you to action. Follow your passion and allow the inspiration to lead you and guide you. Danny G.
You Choose Your Journey
You’re clinging to those beliefs and expectations out of fear. You fear letting go and the unknown. Your fear keeps you from exploring, experiencing and your joy of freedom. Instead you cling to what’s been passed down to you without questioning as though questioning is wrong. You’re meant to be authentic. You’re meant to be you, not someone else’s opinion of the right you. You choose your purpose. You choose your mission. You choose your journey. And ultimately, this leads to your destiny. Danny G.
A Beacon and Inspiration
There is no end game. Life is a constant evolution of personal and spiritual growth. You don’t get it done. You create it. You embrace it. You become the best version of you. By doing so, you become a beacon and inspiration for others to follow. Danny G.
Define Your Own System
If someone doesn’t want to follow the conventional path, allow him to find his own journey and destination. It’s often these people who spark change in profound ways, for they don’t need a system to define them. They define their own system and authenticity. Danny G.
From Internal to External
Your spiritual journey unfolds your current and future reality. The more you seek inward, and the more you seek the greater version of yourself, you create the essence of your spiritual being. Seek within, seek faith, persist and your outer world will become your internal world. Danny G.
The Greatest Journey
You can be so regulated that you don’t think for yourself. You may feel obligated on a certain path or feel trapped in a disguise. Learn the art of deliberate creation in the unknown. Follow what resonates with you and what you feel peace about. That’s your soul speaking to you. Exploration and experience are your best friends. Combine them with wisdom, enlightenment, inspired action, and you’ll have the greatest journey a man can have. Danny G.
Focus on the Journey
Focus on the journey and don’t make your intention a race. It’s not merely about how far you go or about the success you acquire over the years. It’s about happiness, serenity and being in a state of bliss as often as you can. When your bliss turns into a hurdle, remember you’re here for the joy of the journey. Danny G.
Always Changing
Life is always changing and so are you. The right choice you made yesterday may not be ideal today, and the right choice you make tomorrow may not be ideal today. You are always evolving and growing personally and spiritually. Do what resonates with you this very moment. Do what you feel peace about this very moment. Then tomorrow, the choice may change, but it will be for your ultimate best. Danny G.