Spiritual Warriors

Wisdom is learned or remembered through contemplation, reflection and stillness. It’s combining experience with knowledge and choosing what’s ultimately best for our soul. When we live from this space, nothing is impossible, and we become the spiritual warriors destined to be. Danny G. 

Invest Time

What is inside your mind and heart reveals itself with your words and behavior. If your words and behavior are focused on your ego, then the ego reveals itself in the outside world. Make sure to invest time for your spiritual journey, so your words and behavior will be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G. 

The Spiritual Evolution

You’re a spiritual being on a spiritual journey

You have two beings within you at all times. One being is your inner being, or you can call it a soul, or spirit. The other being is the physical body that exists within the time space reality. Both are constantly affected by one another. 

Whenever you spend more time inward, you tap in to the infinite intelligence or the God or Goddess inside you. You tap into this infinite intelligence by meditating, practicing mindfulness, or any type of spiritual practice that allows you to connect to the divine. 

Anything that quiets the mind is beneficial to your mind and body, because when you quiet your mind, you let go of distractions that prevent you from having clarity of thought. When you have clarity of thought, you can listen to your inner guidance and wisdom. 

Stress is created by an overactive mind, in which you’re obsessing over a number of stressors. You’re either stressing about the past or in most cases the future. When you stop fighting the thought, you’re in the present moment and you’re able to access your higher consciousness. When you access your higher consciousness, you feel true joy, gratitude and love, because accessing your higher consciousness means connecting to the divine. The divine is joy, gratitude, love and all the good in the world. When you operate out of the divine, you’re receptive to the insights from your soul, and the ego vanishes. 

What does ego mean? The origin of the acronym means “edging God out.” When you act from your soul, being right is irrelevant because all you want to seek is love. When you act from your soul, fear vanishes because you have faith that can move worlds. When you act from your soul you’re no longer desperate for your desires, because you feel as though they already manifested or you feel such appreciation that the desire is irrelevant. 

That’s where true freedom lies, with faith and love that cannot be shaken. This is the divinity that you are, a shell that has the most powerful energy inside you, which is God. 

Taking the Steps

Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G. 

The Driving Force

I’m at peace with you uneasiness and pain, whether you leave today or remain for a while. For now, you are my driving force to expand in my spiritual journey and be in alignment with the divinity you are. Danny G. 

Alignment With the Divine

Action steps are required for your spiritual evolution and journey. Assess your thoughts and see if they are in alignment with the divine, or if it’s from your own misconceptions. Don’t keep on procrastinating, do what you must to stay in balance, then move forward knowing the infinite intelligence is always within you, guiding you, protecting you, and conspiring on your behalf. Danny G. 

The Internal and Eternal You

A healthy respect for yourself means caring enough about you, that you don’t allow others to make you feel less than who you are. A healthy respect for yourself is tending to the inner you, and making time for your spiritual journey. Whatever is inside reveals itself whether outwardly or inwardly. Leave footprints in the sand of the internal and eternal you. Danny G.

Seek Within and Listen

Everyone has something to teach you if you seek within and release your ego. If there was nothing to learn, they wouldn’t cross your path and remain here nevertheless. Everyone is a co-creator if you allow the lesson to come to fruition and bloom. From the homeless man to the wealthy man to your loved ones, allow it to transform you and release your critical lenses. It’s a lesson learned in your divine journey as you tread the path and make it your own. Nobody is perfect, but everyone has something to give if you simply look within and listen. Danny G. 

Unleash Your Inner Gifts

Look not at the past with a heavy heart. See it as a lesson learned from your soul, to catapult you and unleash your inner gifts. See it as your spiritual journey always destined to bring you back home, and an opportunity for you to triumph and thrive. Danny G. 

Unwavering Faith

Seek strength from the divine, and you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Seek wisdom above your ego lenses, and allow your gifts to shine through. As you pour your energy into your spiritual journey, you’ll realize nothing is impossible or unattainable, through your unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G.