Something to Teach

Every life experience has something to teach, if you simply listen within. Move beyond the havoc inside your mind, and find that space of stillness where peace and divinity lies. This is your greatest power and greatest endeavor. Within the havoc lies your power, your breakthrough and success. Declare it so, and allow it to become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

Stillness Tranquility and Peace

Quiet your mind, and the more you find stillness, tranquility and peace, the more you find clarity and wisdom. Seek inward before the external, and you’ll discover the genius within you. This is when breakthroughs manifest before your very eyes. Danny G. 

The Treasure House Of Infinity

Inspiration comes from within, and from personal experience. Combine it with wisdom and an attentive ear, and you’ll discover the treasure house of infinity within you. From this space, inventions are created, art is created, literature is created, and all heavenly creation stems from this source. Be still, listen and be guided from within. Danny G. 

Inner Stillness Versus Inner Chaos

Many people who begin meditating feel strong negative emotion, irritability and agitation. This is because the mind and body is used to being occupied. It’s also because when we begin meditation, it’s easier to listen to our subconscious. Within our subconscious mind lies what perpetuates our negative emotion, irritability and agitation. It’s also where our wisdom, faith and love resides. 

Within our subconscious mind lies our fears, misconceptions, beliefs and expectations. When we quiet our mind, it’s easier to access the subconscious. Think about being preoccupied filled with to do lists, pressures and deadlines. Your mind is focused on the outer world, on physicality and your ego at times. What does ego mean? Edging God Out! 

When we become overly consumed with the outer world, we neglect our inner selves. We neglect our inner guidance and wisdom. When we close our eyes in silence and try to focus on nothing or just leave our thoughts drift, often our thoughts drift to what’s been lingering inside. Often it’s what’s been lingering for a long time. 

Some positive beliefs and expectations and some negative beliefs and expectations. In order to create a new you and a new reality, you must let go of the old. That means letting go of negative beliefs and expectations. 

The negative beliefs are misconceptions you gathered over time. Can be misconceptions about your self image, your abilities and capabilities. Can be misconceptions about God, who he is, and what he expects of you. Can be a distorted vision of God. 

Negative expectations can be expecting the worst outcome. Can be fear of death, of losing your loved ones, or of God not being satisfied with you. Can be work related or parenting as in you’re never doing enough. 

Often when all these negative emotions surface, we panic and it’s much more difficult to have clarity of thought. You can speak affirmations of your desired emotions or desired outcome, and it’s beneficial to do so. However, you cannot fight all day. Your brain needs a break. 

Let the negative thoughts run their course. Don’t fight it, just let it be. When you no longer give them attention, they subside and disappear. Then meditation becomes easier and you’ll begin to enjoy its many benefits. You’ll begin to enjoy your time out from the world. You’ll realize this is the best means to quiet your mind, be still and access your wisdom. 

From within lies the answers, solutions and insights you need for greater joy, health and success. 

Seek Stillness and Listen

Feelings come and go as we’re emotional beings who are bound to care and love. Seeking to react differently to your emotions is key. Feel it, ponder, reflect, contemplate, and the answer will come as you quiet your mind, seek stillness and listen. Danny G. 

Soothing the Soul

When you’re at peace, it’s easier to choose wisely and show compassion. Stillness gives you clarity of mind. Tranquility eases the soul. A turbulent mind equals a turbulent life. Seek inward for the peace that transcends understanding. Danny G. 

Choose A Different Perspective

When you’re immersed in your challenges, take a step back and choose a different perspective. When the adversity is right before you causing you to fear, seek inward for that space of peace, stillness and tranquility. From this space anything is possible, and from this space, anything is within your reach. Danny G. 

Blocking the Noise

You need to quiet your mind, hear him, know him and have no doubt. Block out the noise, and embrace your heart and soul. Know this stillness and tranquility lives inside you at all times. With this stillness lies a world of knowledge and your potential within. Embrace it, claim it yours, and let it become the essence of who you are. Danny G. 

Choosing Peace

Inner peace is a choice. It’s choosing quietness over the chaos. It’s choosing stillness when overwhelmed. It’s choosing tranquility in a fast paced world. It takes practice and discipline, but when it’s achieved, you can be at peace under any and all conditions. Danny G. 

It’s Never Indefinite

Give yourself a breath every once in a while. It’s ok to be still and ponder in the wilderness. It’s ok to feel sad at times beyond reason. It’s ok to feel grief at times that seems to never cease. The only mistake is never moving beyond them. The only mistake is not learning and growing from them. Feel it, then move on and be the best version of you. Danny G.