Stillness, tranquility and inner peace produce happiness and a sound mind. When everything around you is in chaos or havoc, the spirit of stillness still lives inside you. Recognize that feeling, and know that under any circumstances and events, you can return to it. This is where your power lies, and it’s where your perception changes. When your perception changes, so does your life and future. Danny G.
Stillness Wherever You Go
There is noise wherever you go if you allow the noise to consume you. There is stillness wherever you go if you allow this peace to just be. You can find peace by seeking inward, and focusing on the divine being you are. When you find peace in the midst of chaos and havoc, you master life and the inevitable joyous experiences bound to be. Danny G.
Be Still and Listen
Wisdom stems from stillness, tranquility and peace. When we seek inward, we find that source of stillness and peace where wisdom lies. We can always find this peace and wisdom despite the chaos or havoc around us. The noise doesn’t have to weigh us down, as we can always be still and listen within. Danny G.
Faith Wisdom and Compassion
Stop the inner dialogue of fear, pessimism and bitterness, and replace it with faith, wisdom and compassion. If you want to hear God, seek that place of stillness, where all is well. Seek his spirit of peace which is essentially what God is. He will guide you to a safe haven and he will lead you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Spiritual Awakening
Be awake in the world, do not sleep walk your entire life never contemplating your soul’s yearning and desires. Be at peace with the world, despite its chaos or treachery while fully embracing its beauty and perfection nevertheless. There is perfection in the imperfection, if you look deep beyond the shallow lenses. Be still and full of faith and allow every moment to be a spiritual awakening. Danny G.
Be the Eagle
Don’t feed the anger, honor it, embrace it, and use it constructively. Don’t feed the resentment, let go and act with love. Don’t feed the fear, reverse it by affirming the opposite. Feed the right emotions and let go of the old. Be the eagle who rises high above the stormy night. The turbulence doesn’t scare him, for he knows he can find that space of stillness, where the calm settles in with the bright sunrise. He can always find this space of stillness by spreading his wings and soaring. Danny G.
Return to Silence
When you feel overwhelmed beyond reason, or you feel the opposition pulling through, return to silence, your true medicine and healing. Silence doesn’t feel anger, fear or resentment. Silence returns to peace, faith and compassion. When you live from this space, you live like the true masters of our time. You can overcome any worldly calamities, and you have the intuition to shine through and conquer. Danny G.
Spiritual Warriors
Wisdom is learned or remembered through contemplation, reflection and stillness. It’s combining experience with knowledge and choosing what’s ultimately best for our soul. When we live from this space, nothing is impossible, and we become the spiritual warriors destined to be. Danny G.
The Space Of Stillness
The reason people don’t meditate or stop meditating is often because their thoughts are on everything but the present moment. Practicing meditation and mindfulness means letting go of the external world for a little while. It means seeking inward, and finding that space of stillness where all is well, and everything is working together for my own good. Danny G.
The Benefits Of Stillness
Spending time in isolation gives us much more free time to reflect, slow down, and return to ourselves and our loved ones. At times when production and wealth becomes the primary focus, the universe has a way of bringing us back to what matters most. What matters most is our relationship with ourselves, God, and our loved ones.
We get lost in achieving more, accumulation, and at times this can be destructive to our behavior and our relationships with our loved ones. We don’t spend as much time unwinding, we’re constantly living under stress, and our work affects our family life.
What happens when the world shuts down? We’re forced to spend time with ourselves, we begin to contemplate, and reflect. We have so much free time in our hands to fulfill our purpose.
Some people will use this time unwisely and make poor choices, and they’ll end up worse than before. Some people will let fear consume them. Others will be bored and not know what to do with themselves, so they’ll end up partying, abusing drugs and alcohol. There will be those people who use this time constructively, and stretch their boundaries. They’ll use this time to grow as a person, to grow spiritually, and let go of negative habits or addictions.
What else happens when the word shuts down? We learn to be by ourselves, and this can be very difficult and daunting to some people. It’s difficult for them because they never learned to be by themselves. Perhaps because when they are alone, memories come back to haunt them. Perhaps when they are alone, fear of the future comes back that scares them, or they know they don’t take anything seriously, and they’re just bumbling through life with no expectations.
Maybe life is calling them to change. My question to you is what change do you want to have, and what impact do you want to make? Find balance even when this is all over. Find balance by cutting distractions, and not letting others steer you off course.
There’s a fine line between listening to advice and listening to your inner guidance. Both are positive, but find what resonates with you.