Courage Faith and Persistence

Don’t allow the environment and adversities to overtake you and win the battle. Speak to your mountain, and declare what’s rightfully yours. For every breakthrough began with courage, faith, and persistence to see it through. The battle didn’t wear him out, for he allowed it to mold him into the essence of who he is, and what’s destined to be. Danny G.

Triumph Over the Pain

Don’t fight against the seasons, embrace them with loving arms. For every season has a purpose within, if we look deep passed the superficial lenses. When we realize the soul beings that we are, the oneness that defines humanity at large, we know we’re in this together for global change and a peaceful nation. We know we have inner guidance calling us at all times,  through faith, strength, and power from the divine. We know with utter perfection and faith, that the answer lies within our source and creator. And with this source, we can tackle whatever comes our way, and triumph over our worldly calamities, affliction and pain. We realize our power through the divinity that we are, and that source will orchestrate it all, for our well being and the well being of humanity. Danny G.

Your Will and Purpose

When you have faith in this infinite intelligence and power, your strength and vitality is renewed. What you thought was impossible is now within your reach, as you stumble into opposition, and thrive nevertheless. You’ll step unto uncharted territory, claim it yours, and you will know you are anointed for his perfect will and purpose. Danny G.

The Masterpiece of Your Life

Everything in life has a sequence and perfect timing. Wait steadfastly in positive anticipation for what lies next and what the path unfolds. Within the journey you’ll find wisdom, strength, and faith despite the stormy night. Look closely, you’ll discover joy, enlightenment, and serendipity in disguise. All together this creates the best version of you and the masterpiece of your life. Danny G.

Your Power and Resilience

With persistence, wisdom, and faith, you can conquer mountains before you. It all starts with a belief in your worthiness, strength, and the brilliant soul that you are. Don’t doubt your power, and resilience, for it was meant to catapult you to greatness. Danny G.

Yours to Claim Now

No matter how dark it seems, and how illogical it seems. Even if everything tells you just to give in. Remember the heroes who walked this path, sparked change, and let go of the wrath. Remember the ones who stood by what they knew, and persisted despite the pain. Remember the ones who knew they had purpose, and then claimed it theirs. Remember these ones, as they paved the course. And remember, God says it’s yours to claim now. Danny G.

Strong Will

Obligations are self imposed, as there is no right or wrong, there are only choices that agree or disagree with your soul. What makes you unique is your strong will and determination not to follow the rest, and do what resonates with your core. Danny G.

Born A Victor

Another year unfolds into the unknown, where change comes knocking at your door. Challenges come and go without a warning in sight, but you remain because of your perseverance and strength. You walk steadfastly and boldly with your mission at the forefront, while leaving behind any extra and loose baggage. You were born a victor, and you claim it yours, for you know, it’s time for the inevitable triumph. Danny G.

Sturdy and Strong

One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need another to make him feel worthy and loved. One who is at peace with himself doesn’t need to be dependent on another. He knows the power is in his hands, and he knows nothing can overtake him. For as the palm tree bends but never falls, he is sturdy, seeks within, and can stop the storm. Danny G. 

Devotion and Perseverance

Though others don’t love you because you do not conform, God loves you because of your devotion. Though others don’t understand you because you’re different, God understands you for he created you, and he resides in you. What makes you unique is your strength and perseverance to not give in, and to not allow the world to change you into someone you’re not. Danny G.