Listen To Your Authentic Self

You were created with purpose, uniqueness, and gifts. Don’t try to follow someone else’s path, for they have their own journey and strengths. Listen to your inner guidance, to who you truly are, and to your authentic self. It won’t fail, and you’ll realize there’s a world inside waiting to be discovered. Danny G.

Born To Be

Whatever you focus on consistently, you project onto your life, whether positive or negative. If you remain in a negative mentality, you’ll only drag yourself down further from who you truly are. Fake it if you have to, and see this wall tumbling down by your strength and determination to not give in. See this challenge as under your feet, and see yourself as the victor you were born to be. Create your own story, enjoy the journey as you find your path and make memories. Danny G.

Persistence and Faith

All progress must come from a recognition of our weaknesses and flaws, and a determination to grow. It’s accepting we’re imperfect beings who will fall from time to time, and it’s accepting life’s not perfect, as we’ll always need to strive for greater. But with persistence, faith, and taking action to our dream, the victory is inevitable if we simply don’t give in. Danny G.

The God Within You

Message from the God within you: For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your power, and untapped potential. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your strength, determination, and perseverance. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you that you’re one step away from your breakthrough. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of the power of faith in overcoming obstacles. If you simply remember this, no longer will you fight the inevitable, and no longer will you fear, or doubt your power. Essentially, you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.

Remember Your Origin

Though there may be many detours and wrong turns, remember why you started, and why you persevered. Though you may feel like giving up, remember your origin, strength, and wisdom. It’s within you, waiting for you, and waiting to be unleashed. If you simply accept, embrace and know your mission within, you will be astounded by your untapped potential and greatness. Danny G.

The Journey to the Victory

We pick up things along our physical trail, bruises, aches and pain, as they linger on in desperation. After enough pain has accumulated over time, we pause, not knowing if we will see the destination. We become tired, and sometimes exhausted, as we tread the unknown path to our destination. We know giving up isn’t an option, as little by little, we take a leap forward into the unknown land. The leap becomes fuel for our body that lingers on for as long as needed to triumph. With every step we take we can see ahead as the fog dissipates a little, to make the way. We know we’re one step closer to our dream, as we pause reflecting on the long hard journey. Then one day as we take that step, same as yesterday, we realize today is our victory, as we march steadfastly with a crown on our head. Danny G.

The Journey and Triumph

Honor yourself for persevering despite the seemingly little odds. Honor yourself for not given in despite the world crashing down on you. Honor yourself to have the courage to step forth boldly despite the many falls and detours. Honor yourself for the bravery in your veins despite the infirmities you face. Honor yourself for doing the right thing despite the many temptations. Most importantly, honor the long road home and triumph that gave you the journey. Danny G.

His Unlimited Supply

Why is quieting the mind so beneficial? Because when you quiet your mind, you’re no longer putting a strain on your mind to get it right or to find the answers. It’s what allows you to just be present in the moment, and at peace. For sure there is a time for contemplation and action. But when your mind is bombarded with all your worries and concerns, it zaps your energy and vitality. Therefore, it is well said that he who quiets the mind finds his strength through God and his unlimited supply. Danny G.

A Victor and Overcomer

Don’t forget you’re a human being with imperfections on the verge of change. You’re a work in progress, on a spiritual evolution with weaknesses and strengths. Though you may fail from time to time, and you may forget from time to time, always remember your origin, that you’re a victor and overcomer, and you have been since birth. Danny G.

Compassion Over Sympathy

Sympathy will cry with you for a lifetime, never getting you anywhere but grieving. Compassion will say get up, you have the power that creates worlds inside you, and you can conquer anything. Until you realize this, grief will drag you down until your very last day. Choose compassion, and it will reward you with the strength and will power to persevere. Danny G.