Feeling out of control is repeated thoughts and behaviors. You thought the same way for so long, it’s become ingrained in your subconscious mind. It’s become habitual and predictable. As you practiced thoughts and behaviors towards negative habits, you need to practice thoughts and behavior to incorporate a new reality. Train your mind to be present. Identify what caused the imbalance within you, and retrain your mind into a new way of living. Anything can become unconscious if we do it long enough, just as faith and persistence can become our new life when we focus on it long enough. Danny G.
Listen to Your Subconscious Mind
Sometimes your past creeps in reminding you of past hurts and disappointments. It can grab a hold on you if you allow it. Listen to your subconscious mind, and let your subconscious become conscious. At times, we don’t listen or we’re not aware about our subconscious thoughts. Seeking inward is the best medicine for your mind and soul. Listen to it, become self aware and let this be your new intention for personal growth and transformation. Danny G.
Our Subconscious Mind Into A Conscious Mind
Many of the stories we tell ourselves are not based on truth. They’re based on misconceptions and preconceptions. The more we dig into those stories, we uncover the truth and the more we seek inward we discover our limiting beliefs. We then turn our subconscious mind into a conscious mind. Danny G.
The Subconscious Into Consciousness
What is being conscientious? It’s turning the subconscious mind into a conscious mind. It’s realizing all answers are within. What is inside us all? It’s the infinite, limitless energy and source.
When we’re not conscientious, it can be described as operating under a system we created based on prior experiences, beliefs, expectations and our environment. Let’s say you hear the words, “life is a battle ground and it’s a state of continuous struggle.” Is that a fact or is that a perception we created based on other beliefs and expectations? A loving father and source would not want us to suffer continuously. That would defy what he is which is love. That’s not denying the fact that there will be challenges and adversities, but our perception of adversities and challenges define who we are and what comes next.
Let’s say you hear the words “money is the root of all evil.” Would a compassionate father not want us to be financially prosperous and abundant? It’s not money that’s negative. Our perception of money and how we put it on a pedestal is negative. If money leads to greed, it’s negative. If money becomes our God, it’s negative. If money changes who we are, it’s negative.
If we allow other beliefs and expectations to define who we are and what we want, we never embrace our unique abilities and capabilities. We never embrace our authenticity. We can follow the pack or we can make our path. The ones who make their path are the ones who break the boundaries and thrive. They don’t need a system to define them, for they create their system and define themselves.
Don’t be mislead by your environment. Our environment is just our starting point. It’s not the final destination. What we do with our environment determines our future story. The environment can leave us pessimistic and bitter, or we can create our own optimism and compassion. We can allow our faith to shine through.
If we create subconsciously, that’s our indication that we can create consciously. For with enough effort and following our inner guidance, our subconscious mind can be completely replaced with pure consciousness and authenticity. Always remember, the power to create anew remains in your hands.
Self Created
The enemy is self created and self perpetuated. The more you seek your subconscious, you realize your inner dialogue. That inner chatter becomes your current reality. That reality changes when we change our subconscious mind. We must unite our subconscious mind with our conscious mind. In time, greater self awareness and transformation occurs, which is all part of our spiritual evolution and journey. Danny G.
A Powerful Tool
Your thoughts and words have the potential to make you or break you. Eventually they turn into actions and behavior. Be conscientious of what you dwell on. Your mind is a powerful tool when used constructively. Within your thoughts lies your subconscious which has all the inner chatter. Turn that inner chatter into faith and productivity. Change your mindset from pessimism to optimism, from bitterness to compassion. With this mindset, lies true mastery. Danny G.
Being Conscious and Self Aware
Over time your subconscious mind becomes programmed over the external environment. Your subconscious is a set of perpetual habits, beliefs and expectations that are continually being played out in the background. You must learn to train your subconscious mind to be conscious and self aware. You train your subconscious by listening to your inner dialogue, and changing your focus. You change your focus by declaring it into being. Over time, with persistence and faith, you will retrain your subconscious mind into one of wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. That’s when you become the deliberate creator you’re born to be, a phoenix destined to triumph. Danny G.
The Master Of the Vessel
You are the master of the vessel guiding your ship to your destination. Give it right thought and deed, and don’t allow procrastination to become permanent in your heart. Allow your subconscious mind to unite with your conscious mind, and then see your manifestation come to fruition. Danny G.
Relive the Good and Worthy
Your present is a record of the past, and your subconscious is a record of the past. The more you relive it, and act on it, the more you perpetuate it. Therefore, relive what is good and worthy of you, and let go of any negative attachment. Danny G.
Catapult to Success
Write your affirmations in your conscious mind and eventually they will enter your subconscious mind. The pen is in your hands to create deliberately with faith and persistence. When they enter your subconscious, they become you, the essence of your being. They arise whenever you need them and catapult you to success. Danny G.