Thought for Today

You have to be open for change. You have to be open for success and abundance. Be in the receiving mode. You’re in the receiving mode by being aware that everything you desire was birthed by the God or Goddess within you. Now you need to receive with faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Success Story

Be the person who looks back on his life in total amazement. I have lived a happy, fulfilled and successful life. Everything within me came to fruition. Every creative endeavor within me came to light. That’s a success story from the inside out. Danny G. 

Beacons for Success

When life causes you to have limitations, be the best you despite the limitations. Play the hand you’re dealt with to the best of your ability. That’s how geniuses emerge from their limitations and become beacons for success. Danny G. 

The Key For Your Success

If you’re too destination oriented, you forget about your inner joy and happiness. With merely a destination in mind, you forget about the journey. You forget that life is meant to be enjoyed. You forget that freedom is always within you. You forget about experience and exploration which are key for your journey to success. Danny G. 

Wisdom and Open Mindedness

Intellect without wisdom doesn’t yield success. For you can be the the smartest person in the world, but if you lack wisdom, you’ll stumble wherever you go. What happens when you experience loss and grief? What happens when you face challenges and adversities? Can intellect alone help you when you are tested on your moral values? Intellect without wisdom will only get you so far. Your ego will only get you so far. But wisdom will guide you and teach you when you are lost and confused. Wisdom and open mindedness will keep you focused on your goals and dreams. 

Your Next Success Story

Every idea and inspirational thoughts are launching pads for great things to come. Take the first inspired step and the rest will reveal itself to you. You can stand in complacency or fear, or you can take the first step and allow it to lead you to your next success story. Danny G. 

To Greater Success

The fact that you originate from the compassionate source, the infinite and limitless intelligence, should be your true indicator of success. The one who created you only wants what’s best for you, and everyone else who you impact along your journey. Trust that help is always within you, and your purpose is always within you waiting to be unraveled to greater success. Danny G. 

Following Your Inspiration

When life causes you to look down on yourself, remember all those successful people who were where you are at this present time. Remember those who were overlooked, prejudged and they ended up achieving massive success. What do they have that you don’t? Start with determination and persist with faith. You’ll see what was missing was simply a twist in belief, a change of action and following your inspiration. Danny G.