Find a spiritual practice that resonates with your soul. Find spiritual teachers that resonates with your core. In time you’ll see progress and personal growth. Every action that stems from the divine has rippling effects if you persist with faith. Don’t let the adversity cause you to give in, speak to your challenge, and claim your success. Danny G.
Don’t Shrink Back
Don’t seek to rid yourself of all your problems, for everyone has their own challenges and adversities. Understand their existence, don’t shrink back, and allow them to strengthen you, enlighten you, and create your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
It Starts With Passion
When you truly believe in yourself and you have passion within the depth of your soul, that’s what gives life and success to your dream. You’re not confined by the past or lack, but you fully embrace your authenticity and uniqueness. Every dream began with a passion, so don’t resist it, embrace it, and allow it to flourish. Danny G.
Seek Wisdom Love and Faith
Don’t focus merely on achieving wealth, or recognition. Seek wisdom, love and faith. By seeking wisdom, love and faith, you open the door to wealth and success. Wisdom, love and faith is essentially who you are, and whatever you feel inwardly appears externally eventually. It comes in the form of inspiration and insight to achieve your desires. Danny G.
Cross Again
When that void appears and you cannot summon the enthusiasm to get up, just know you’ve crossed this path before, and every moment is a new creation. Cross again and trust in the God or Goddess you are, and every moment is a new opportunity for growth and success. Danny G.
Thrive Nevertheless
There’s a conversation happening within you at all times, the good, the bad, reality and faith. We choose which conversation we want to tune into. Sometimes the negative creeps in as we try to hold steadfastly to the positive. There’s always a brighter side to the story, if we look within with persistence and faith. The conversation you entertain is entirely up to you, and the more you entertain optimism, the greater joy you’ll feel, the greater inspiration you’ll feel, and the greater enlightenment you’ll feel. Every magnificent piece of art began with these positive emotions and insights. Allow them to flourish into what they’re destined to be, as you carve your masterpiece, and thrive nevertheless. Danny G.
Merited Success
Competition creates separation, for whenever you compete, you’re usually trying to appear greater than your opponent. Love creates union while allowing everyone to their merited success, and breakthrough. The best competitor, is trying to be the best version of himself. Danny G.
Success and Happiness
When your thoughts are scattered, and you feel overwhelmed beyond belief, allow the stimulation to lead you to greater joy and purpose. Don’t allow the overwhelming thoughts to consume you and confuse you. Let it catapult you to greater success, and happiness. Danny G.
Boldness and Bravery
You are a match to whatever it is you are attracting, the teachers or healers, the journey and success, the delays, detours and trials. There are many roads to the mountain top, but don’t wander forever in the forest, without a means to an end. Declare your success and breakthrough, and be bold and brave enough to take the high road, and never look back. Danny G.
Your Journey to Success
At times fear and despair can blossom into something beautiful, if you simply stop fighting the storm and embrace the new. Embracing the new means letting your thoughts be, not condemning them or finding fault, but realizing it’s just a part of your journey to success. Embracing means being who you truly are and being the best you. Your only control is being the best version of you, so stop fighting, and allow the divine to work in your life and orchestrate it all for you, and humanity. Danny G.