Let failure be your teacher, inspiration, and wisdom. Let failure cause you to strive for greater, and triumph. Let failure be a learning experience, for it was always meant to keep you striving for greater, and never give in. One step at a time, with one success at a time, will eventually lead to your breakthrough, abundance, and victory. Danny G.
You Deserve It
You owe it to yourself to allow well being to become your reality. You owe it to yourself to allow joy to break through in your life. You owe it to yourself to allow success to become your birthright. You deserve it all because you’re a being of light, and you’re loved by the universe. You deserve it all, because of your perseverance and strength. Don’t fight it, let it flourish, and allow yourself to be who you truly are, break free, and triumph. Danny G.
Mighty Oak Tree
Don’t allow your infirmities and doubts to block your path and cause you to waiver. Be firm in your determination and perseverance to not give in. Keep your eye onward, and boldly step with faith and peace in your heart. Know that one day it will bloom and flourish into a mighty oak tree. Danny G.
Your Breakthrough
Everything came first from a thought. Every success or failure came from thoughts. Every creation came from imagination. Therefore, we have control and power through the vision we hold in our minds. We have control and power through the stormy night and the mountain top. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are, and let your thoughts lead you to your breakthrough, and magnificent sunrise. Danny G.
Life Cycles Of Triumph
Be solution oriented, don’t be problem oriented. When you’re focused on the solution, you’re focused on faith, and possibilities. When you’re problem oriented, your mind cannot get passed challenge, and you find yourself in a pit that is difficult to overcome. Hold the vision in your mind of your breakthrough or success, and don’t allow the contradictions to steer you off course. Be aware everything comes from within, and when you find that place of stillness in the depth of your being, you know all is well, and everything works out for good in the end. You know in your soul that true inspiration and change is constantly unfolding for the miraculous life cycles of triumph. Danny G.
Be Intentional
Your present self is a reflection of your passed thoughts, words, and actions. To create a new you and a better life, you must focus your energy inward and rewrite your current beliefs and philosophies. You cannot create new with the old information, nor can you have much improvements from remaining with the old self. Therefore, be intentional, and rework your newly desired thought. Rework it so much, that it becomes your new reality, and success. Plan for it, hope for it, and speak about it, until it becomes your new life story and triumph. Danny G.
Journey Of Triumph
When you stand above that bridge fearing the fall, find the strength within and know your calling. Force it into being if you must, and gather all the wisdom you can muster up. Then when you step down, with a sigh of relief, you can share with others, your journey of triumph and victory. Danny G.
You’re a true friend because you saw potential when no one else had. You’re a true friend because you revel in my success, as much as your own. You’re a true friend because despite the highs and lows, you still care. Most importantly, you know the meaning of genuine loyalty. Danny G.
Reason for Being
Never underestimate your own power, and the unique soul you are. Listen to the authentic voice within, calling you to greatness and success. Embrace it, make memories, seek wisdom while knowing authenticity and joy is the reason for being. Danny G.
Infinite Source and Power
Every great hero or leader felt battle fatigue at one time in their lives. They tried and failed, succeeded, then fell back. It did not matter how great the challenge was, or how much opposition came forth. Neither did it matter that their body was aching and they felt exhausted beyond belief. They had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. For every time doubt came creeping in, they remembered their origin, their ancestors, and the ones who never gave in. They knew the victory was theirs through persistence, faith, and knowing that nothing is too great for our infinite source and power. Danny G.