Programming the Mind

You can program your mind to be, do, and have anything you want. Think about something long enough, your words and behavior will follow behind, and it will eventually spill out in the external world. Therefore, program your mind for health, happiness, and success, and eventually your external world will embrace the essence of your thoughts, and desires. Danny G. 


There are those people who do exceptionally great with their lives, and there are those people who only tread water. The ones who did great always broke free from the cage, they spread their wings and soared. Danny G.

The Old Soul

Seeking merely expensive toys, a life of luxury and status will never bring true happiness and success. The old soul seeks to fulfill the soul, through seeking within, finding purpose, and being of value. Neither should be condemned, as it’s all about finding balance, where freedom lies. Nevertheless, being the old soul, is what brings true joy, and fulfillment. Danny G.

The Greatest Teacher

Experience, exploration, and knowledge are the greatest teachers. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and taking bold action to your dream, and you’ll have the greatest journey,  achievements, and success a man can bear. Danny G.

Joy and Freedom

Joy is the reason for being. If something brings you joy, and peace, embrace it, allow it, and let it unfold as it should. Know that God wants nothing less than for you to be happy, at peace, and truly fulfilled. When you realize this, you know what true freedom is, and you know you’re destined for happiness and success. Danny G.

True Success

Although I have good intentions, forgive me for I still fall from time to time. It’s simply the journey of being human, through self discovery and striving for greater. Despite it all, I still give you my very best, and to me, that should be the definition of true success. Danny G.

The Victors

We’re victors with a mission in mind for happiness and success. We’re born to do great things and change the world. Every person is a God or Goddess imparting their seed into the world. Victory is in your blood line, and you’re destined to leave a mark in this generation. Danny G.

Faith Opens the Door

Pessimism and fears, create your life story, and all the so called negative experiences. You’ve been pushing them down for so long, you forgot you created its very existence. Don’t be stagnant and complacent with your thoughts, create intentionally, and expect wellness and success, while knowing, faith opens the door to all abundance. Danny G.

Your Purpose and Calling

You find yourself and your purpose by being noble, honest and showing integrity. 

You find yourself and your purpose by giving as much as receiving. 

You find yourself and your purpose by forgiving despite the anger simmering underneath. 

You find yourself and your purpose by listening as much as teaching. 

You find yourself and your purpose by loving your opponent despite the chaos he created. 

You find yourself and your purpose by pausing to think, rather than give in. 

You find yourself and your purpose by seeing the beauty in the mundane. 

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at defeat, and calling it a beginning.

You find yourself and your purpose by looking at the degraded, and calling them winners. 

You find yourself and your purpose by being content when it’s not your success.

You find yourself and your purpose by showing humility rather than pride.

You find yourself and your purpose by seeking growth, which is essentially who you are. 

And you lose yourself by being everything you’re not, and failing to realize who you are. 

Danny G.

Let It Flourish

Your credentials don’t define who you are, you do. For one can have the greatest credentials in the world, and still lack fulfillment, and success. And one can have but one credential, and honor it and water it, then watch the seed bloom into a mighty tree and flourish. Danny G.