Our Greatest Power

What we are doing right now is carving the path before us. Our power lies in our thoughts, words and actions. Within it all lies the deliberate creators we are, bound for success if we simply believe with unwavering faith and persistence. Danny G. 

Break the Bondage

It’s time to forgive yourself, to break yourself free from the bondage of resentment and guilt. You deserve happiness, success and peace, so let your abundance and prosperity take root, and conquer mountains before you. Danny G. 

Don’t Stop Midway

No matter how much you achieve, or how many dreams you fulfill, there’s always something else on the horizon waiting for you to claim it yours. Don’t stop midway, for as long as your heart is beating, success, happiness and health is waiting for you to claim it yours. Danny G.

The Greatest Peace

Your greatest goal should be seeking inner peace. For when you have inner peace, the battle doesn’t wear you out incessantly. When you have inner peace, you’re happy and free. When you have inner peace, you radiant joy, success and prosperity. Danny G. 

Taking Risks

Do you want to experience the pain of regrets, or do you want to experience the discomfort of taking risks? Taking risks opens the door to new possibilities and success. The one who plays it safe all the time remains, while the one who takes risks turn their obstacles into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

The Ultimate Success

Experience and exploration can be the greatest teacher. Some experience and explore while leaving the soul behind. Others experience and explore and let the soul lead the path. The soul yearns for experience and exploration, however, the soul is fully aware experience and exploration alone doesn’t create true outstanding growth. Seeking your spiritual evolution is growth, seeking the best version of you is growth, and allowing the soul to teach you wisdom is the ultimate story of success and triumph. Danny G. 

The Power Of Your Mind

Learn to use the power of your mind. Within it contains wisdom, insights and inspiration. Within it contains infinite intelligence, and limitless capabilities. Declare the God or Goddess you are, and allow it to work in you, and through you, for your ultimate best, success and happiness. Danny G. 

Always Another Layer

You’re an ever changing being, and you never cease to exist. Your spiritual evolution calls you for your greatest good and to help others along the way. Your evolution is ultimately for your greatest joy, success and purpose. Don’t forget that, when you seek to find yourself, for there’s always another layer to unfold. Danny G. 

The Oneness We Are

Any egotistical act doesn’t fulfill your heart and soul. Even when you do achieve success through the ego, you’ll always feel a void within the depth of your being. A void that wants to achieve more through the ego. A void that is not fulfilling for the mind and soul. A void that is non essential to fulfilling your desires. When you have a desire, act from the divinity you are. Act from the source of unity and peace that you are. When you do achieve success through this ultimate power, that void will dissipate and you’ll act out of the oneness we truly are. Danny G. 

Opportunities Instead Of Barriers

If you look merely at your current reality, you risk creating the same reality again and again. Deliberate creators look at the present and see opportunities where others would see barriers. They see potential where others would see infirmities. They see faith and persistence as a means to unleash their breakthrough and success. Danny G.