Even though doubt or fear may creep in, choose to know that all is well, and everything is working together for good, and nothing harmful shall befall me. For I am a child of God, bound for success and victory. I am a child of the universe bound to thrive. Danny G.
We’re on this physical plane for our personal growth and evolution. Even though we still fall from time to time, prevailing determines our success, not failure. Our success is not determined by the number of times we fall, but by the number of times we overcome, conquer and triumphed. Danny G.
Contrast Creates Desires
Out of contrast, dreams unleash for your journey and success. Out of contrast, you know more clearly what you want. Out of contrast, humanity is created in the world of opposites and soul mates. Don’t fight against it, embrace it, and define your mission in the midst of beauty and imperfection. Danny G.
Intention Creation
Intention is everything. You can intend health, happiness and success, or you can intend sickness, pessimism and failure. Whatever is at the forefront of your mind appears as experience and insight waiting to be discovered. Tap into this potential of intention creation, and intend the very best for your life and humanity. Danny G.
Allowing Your Wisdom and Success
Stop giving away your power to others. Whenever you affirm unhappiness, discontentment and resentment because of others, you’re making yourself the victim. Power and self awareness comes from within. When you declare your power, your strength and resilience is renewed. You’re not conformed by others’ misconceptions, and you allow your wisdom and success to manifest into being.
Catapult to Success
Write your affirmations in your conscious mind and eventually they will enter your subconscious mind. The pen is in your hands to create deliberately with faith and persistence. When they enter your subconscious, they become you, the essence of your being. They arise whenever you need them and catapult you to success. Danny G.
Oneness Unity and Authenticity
The ego will try to creep in when you’re in the process of transformation and success. The ego will say I’m in desperation. The ego will say I need this external thing for happiness. The ego is everything you’re not, an act of separation and not unity. Recognize the feeling and return to oneness, unity and authenticity. Then you’ll create from the depth of your soul, and feel fulfilled, joyous and complete. Danny G.
Seasons Of Change
Refusing or not allowing growth is going against the natural flow of life. It’s not accepting seasons of change and seasons of contrast. Successful people embrace the new, and they see opportunities where others see resistance. They see life as expansion and they embrace the expansion, and claim their faith to triumph. Danny G.
Lessons for Growth
Allow your failures to be lessons for growth and expansion. The failures can either sink you into a pit, or they can be lessons to succeed and thrive. Listen to your failures for they have something to teach, and you’ll recognize they were merely stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Danny G.
Focusing on the Divine
When you sink deep into a pit and you cannot find a means of escape, know the infinite and limitless source always has an answer and solution. Don’t focus so much on the depth of your challenge, or the weight on your shoulders. Focus on the great I AM, and declare I WILL SUCCEED AND THRIVE. Danny G.