Emotional Attachments

Pessimism and bitterness are emotional attachments that no longer serves you. They stunt your growth, and prevent your success. When you let go of these negative attachments, you embrace your freedom and power. You embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

A Phoenix Born to Thrive

Fill your mind with the eternal truths that govern humanity. The more you focus on these truths and beliefs, the more they become ingrained in your heart and mind. You can focus on merely your human self, your weaknesses and limitations, or you can focus on the deliberate creator you’re born to be, a phoenix born to thrive. Danny G. 

Embrace the Phoenix You Are

Acceptance is key to move forward and release the shackles beneath your feet. Acceptance is key to accept the imperfections and contrast of the world. Embrace your freedom and power, and know they’re stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Let go and embrace the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

A Phoenix Born to Triumph

Accept your imperfections with love in your heart. Accept your weaknesses, your flaws, for you’re a spiritual being having a human experience bound to fall from time to time. The only failure is not getting back up again, and allowing your weaknesses to define you. Use your imperfections, weaknesses and flaws to redefine you, and to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, a phoenix, born to triumph. Danny G. 

Recognize Your Worth

Not every leader and master was born in great knowledge and wealth. Some were born in chaos and havoc, and some suffered turmoil and anguish. Others lived very ordinary lives. Remember this when you feel unworthy and incapable. Know everyone has their own journey and beginning. Remember the phoenix you were born to be, and remember the most important season is recognizing your own worth. Realize there’s a world of knowledge waiting for you to claim yours. Danny G. 

Creating Your Reality

Create your own peaceful haven, create your own reality, and create your own personality. Don’t fall prey to the world conforming you into someone you’re not. Don’t fall prey to them convincing you of what’s not true. You create your beliefs and expectations, so don’t allow them to persuade you. Claim the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Emotions

Your reactions define your personality, strengths and weaknesses. If your reaction to challenges turn you pessimistic, bitter or fearful, that’s because you haven’t mastered your emotions. If your reaction is of love, compassion and faith, you learned to control your emotions. Learn to be at peace with your emotions without condemning them, but embracing them and letting them lead to personal transformation. Let go, embrace and be the Phoenix you are created to be. Danny G. 

Refocusing Your Energy

Instead of spending time worrying about the future, fearing it, or dreading it, spend time refocusing your life and vision. Be productive with your time and energy. When you focus all your energy on your concerns, less energy is left to be proactive. Be conscientious with your time, and seek wisdom beyond the physical. Seek the source within you. Seek the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Born A Phoenix

When you feel that void within the depth of your being, fill it with God’s unconditional love. Fill it with his wisdom, compassion and strength. In time that void will dissipate, as you learn to let go and embrace the divine being you are. You were born a phoenix and you always will be. Danny G. 

Embrace the Phoenix

Whatever creates passion, love and a driving force to create positive change, for yourself and others, is what you came forth to be. Whatever passion you cannot suppress, that keeps on springing forth time and time again, that’s your calling from the divinity you are. Stop suppressing it, and stop procrastinating, be the leader of your emotions, and break free from your limitations. Embrace the phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G.