Don’t allow the fear and challenge to consume your mind and soul. Allow adversities to create a desire in you that’s meant to triumph and thrive. Danny G.
Everything Changes With Time
Everything changes with time. The events, circumstances and conditions of your life are subject to change. Your body is subject to change. There are seasons that have their own lessons and experience to teach. Let change be your friend. Don’t fight it, embrace it and take it as an opportunity to grow and thrive. Danny G.
Seek the Internal You
People may affect your external self but they cannot change your internal self. Your internal self is spirit, and this energy cannot be changed or destroyed. When you find your external self is injured, confused or afraid, seek inward where all answers and solutions lies. The more you seek inward, the less your external self will be affected by the adversities of life. Seek inward enough, and you’ll be the master you’re destined to be, a spiritual warrior with the infinite intelligence inside bound to thrive. Danny G.
Causing You to Soar
Don’t allow the adversity to overwhelm you and cause you to surrender. Allow this challenge to mold you into the essence of who you truly are, and cause you to thrive. Nobody is without weaknesses, and the world is full of imperfections. Allow these imperfections to cause you to soar, high enough that the worldly calamities and treachery cannot touch you, as they remain far beyond and under your feet. Danny G.
Embrace It
That challenge or adversity was only meant to catapult you to your divine destiny and triumph. Don’t resist it, embrace it, feel it, and allow the inspiration to guide you, lead you, and cause you to thrive. Danny G.
Thrive Nevertheless
There’s a conversation happening within you at all times, the good, the bad, reality and faith. We choose which conversation we want to tune into. Sometimes the negative creeps in as we try to hold steadfastly to the positive. There’s always a brighter side to the story, if we look within with persistence and faith. The conversation you entertain is entirely up to you, and the more you entertain optimism, the greater joy you’ll feel, the greater inspiration you’ll feel, and the greater enlightenment you’ll feel. Every magnificent piece of art began with these positive emotions and insights. Allow them to flourish into what they’re destined to be, as you carve your masterpiece, and thrive nevertheless. Danny G.
The Mind and the Soul
Your mind says it cannot be done, but your soul says all things are possible. Your mind dwells in the land of lack and fear, but your soul dwells in faith and possibilities. Your mind dwells on its infirmities and doubts, but your soul says you are worthy and strong. Which voice will you listen to? Allow your mind to be in alignment with your soul, and when they unite, you’ll thrive as the God or Goddess you are. Danny G.
Having Courage and Faith
What is fear but a long perpetuating set of beliefs and expectations? What is fear but a sensation in your body? What is fear other than acting on doubt and uncertainty? Next time fear comes knocking at your door, have the courage and faith to declare your strength and resilience. Have the faith to stand as the palm tree that bends but never falls. It’s sturdy enough to withstand the strong winds and thrive. Danny G.
Persisted With Faith
Don’t be overly critical of yourself since we’re all here for a learning experience, or a remembering experience. Every great master falls from time to time, and every great master had his hardships to deal with. What made him thrive was his unwillingness to give in. He persisted with faith knowing nothing is impossible with God. Danny G.
Be the Leader
When they say it cannot be done, be the leader, and choose your life path. Always remember the ones who broke free from the cage always let go of their limitations, they broke free of their boundaries, and soared. Danny G.