Make Your Path

We can follow the pack or we can make our path. The ones who make their path are the ones who break the boundaries and thrive. They don’t need a system to define them, for they create their system and define themselves. Danny G. 

A Phoenix Destined to Thrive

When you are faced upon a wall, a barrier obstructing your path, declare your strength and potential within. Your soul learned the lesson time and time again, so things can never be the same again. Move beyond it, remember, and be reminded, that you’re a phoenix destined to thrive. Danny G. 

Power to Heal and Thrive

The Phoenix doesn’t dwell in uncertainty and doubt. He doesn’t give in to fear, pessimism and bitterness. He recognizes his own power to overcome and thrive. He recognizes his own power to inner peace where divinity lies. He knows compassion leads the way, and he uses his power to heal and thrive. Danny G. 

The Power Within You

Embrace the power inside your mind and soul, which is the infinite intelligence and ultimate source. When you allow this intelligence to guide you, protect you and cause you to thrive, you embrace the God or Goddess within you. With this power, you can move mountains before you. Danny G. 

Overcome and Thrive

Rethinking about past trauma or negative old memories only reactivates them more. It only keeps you stuck in the past, and perpetuating the past. If you want to create anew, let go of the old, make peace with your memories, and know the deliberate creator you are, who’s bound to overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

Be Patient With Yourself

Be patient with yourself. Don’t allow mistakes or failures to create havoc within you. Give yourself some space for solitude, to seek inward and to quiet your mind. You’ll discover this is the best means to be productive, to thrive, and to triumph. Danny G. 

Get Back Up Again

Don’t be ashamed of your falls and detours. For everyone takes a few steps back from time to time. What’s most important is that you get back up again and overcome. It’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you conquer and thrive. Danny G. 

Break Free From Limitations

Stand solidly in what you believe in, and what you’re projecting. For the world can turn you into someone you’re not, and cause you to give in. Know your purpose, uniqueness and authenticity. Allow it to flourish and stand firm in the storm, so that you may break free from limitations and thrive. Danny G. 

Shed Your Light

Don’t wait for an epiphany to move forward and thrive. Don’t seek to rid yourself of all your problems and obstacles. See life as a journey, and an unfolding of your potential and gifts. See it as an opportunity to shed your light and triumph. Danny G. 

Faith and Peace in Your Heart

Focus on all the times you conquered and thrived. Focus on all your accomplishments and success. Focus on the joyful moments you had. This is the best gateway to happiness and success. Focusing on lack stops you from seeing all the beauty around you and all the beauty that is meant to come with faith and peace in your heart. Danny G.