Quote for Today

Paranoia roams the ground as we grapple with peace on unstable grounds. Rest and be assured, that paranoia doesn’t become your reality, until you make it your home. Danny G.

Don’t Deny It

The limited belief “it’s too good to be true,” essentially is denying the magnificence of God and creation. It’s denying everything that was orchestrated and created for you, the evolution of our species, and the evolution of all that is. Danny G.

The Exhilaration of the Journey

The exhilaration of a journey is figuring it out along the way. If you’re perfect, or your life is perfect, or the world is perfect, there would be no point of a journey, hence, there would be no expansion, and no reason to thrive. Don’t condemn uncertainties, or doubts, as they are merely stepping-stones to discover yourself, your path, and ultimately your destiny. Danny G.