Never cease to learn or remember who you truly are, and the laws that govern humanity. Remember your uniqueness and authenticity. Remember your potential and power within. Remember your origin, that you’re a victor bound to triumph. Danny G.
The Greatest Creation
Creation should be enjoyable, as it doesn’t stem from feelings of lack or desperation. It comes from a feeling of purpose and uniqueness. It originates out of joy and exuberance. When you have this feeling of purpose, joy and exuberance, you know you’re in alignment with source, and you know the greatest creation comes from this space and source, the ultimate provider. Danny G.
Defining Yourself
The moment you let others define who you are, is the moment you lose your intuition and wisdom. For you cannot define yourself from another’s perspective. Don’t allow others to conform you. Speak to yourself, and allow your authenticity and uniqueness to shine through. Danny G.
Same thoughts and same emotions lead to yesterdays, and no change. Growth and change results from being mindful of your thoughts, emotions and to consistently change them into something authentic, unique and new. When you master this, every moment is a new creation with the divine, as you unleash the greater you, your potential and power. Danny G.
The Infinite Field Of Possibilities
Be authentic, be unique, and be your genuine self. A replica has no contrast or insight other than its replica. He doesn’t stand out from the crowd. Can there be a world with only one replica? Everyone has something to give, and when you seek your inner guidance and wisdom, you tap into the infinite field of possibilities to create a greater world. Danny G.
Self Reliance
Self reliance is depending on you, the deliberate creator you are. When you rely solely on others, you will never gain full control. The only control you have is from yourself, your thoughts, words and actions. Therefore, seek you first, depend on your own unique abilities, and allow the universe to conspire on your behalf. Danny G.
Seeking Peace and Stillness
Find perfection in an imperfect world. Seek peace in the midst of chaos and opposition. Seek that place of stillness where all is well and everything is working together for good. The universal laws are created perfectly in its ideal sequence for your unique purpose and mission. Danny G.
Unique Soul
Let your guard down and be who you truly are. Believe in your authenticity and your untapped potential within. Every soul has a mission to create and correlate. Be steadfast and persist and you’ll hear the voice within. It will remind you of your brilliance, and the magnificent being you truly are. Danny G.
Create Your Trend
To be your authentic self, you must move away from the trend. For as long as the trend lives in your mind, making it your reality, you cannot create intentionally, and produce meaningful change. You perpetuate the trend by making it your entire focus, and giving it all your attention. Create a new trend that is aligned with the unique soul that you are. When you do this, only then can you unleash your greatness and untapped potential within. Danny G.
Destined to Triumph
Don’t follow the trend, follow your unique soul’s journey. Everyone that followed the trend was focused on others rather than their inner self. Advice is good, but everyone has wisdom within, calling them to their untapped potential and greatness. The trend follows the perceived right, but the soul follows its unique purpose, destined to triumph. Danny G.