Reason for Being

Never underestimate your own power, and the unique soul you are. Listen to the authentic voice within, calling you to greatness and success. Embrace it, make memories, seek wisdom while knowing authenticity and joy is the reason for being. Danny G. 

Destined for Greatness

Nothing is random or an accident, and neither are you. You were created with purpose and uniqueness, destined to spark change. Don’t doubt your power, your gifts, and your origin, for the universe is waiting for you to unleash the inner you, who is destined for greatness. Danny G. 

Cast Your Faith

When all else fails, remember God has your back, and he’s breathing in your direction and leading. If it feels hopeless, know God favors you and anoints you to be you. For you are unique, and there’s no one quite like you. Don’t doubt the dreams or missions in your heart. Cast your faith in him, and he will cause you to triumph and overcome. Danny G. 

Strong Will

Obligations are self imposed, as there is no right or wrong, there are only choices that agree or disagree with your soul. What makes you unique is your strong will and determination not to follow the rest, and do what resonates with your core. Danny G.

A Unique One Of A Kind

Know in your heart you are a god or goddess in human form, a unique one of kind destined to leave your mark on this generation. Don’t doubt your power, and potential, for the most powerful force in the universe is guiding you to your ultimate best, growth and triumph. Danny G. 

Unique Journey and Triumph

Intuition comes from within, not from an outside source. Seek within and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for, from the infinite intelligence. Who would know best other than the one who created you, lives in you, and is in every particle in the universe? Your uniqueness defines who you are, what comes next, and your ultimate potential. And your inner guidance is destined for your unique journey and triumph. Danny G. 

Seek Joy and Growth

Everyone has a place in the world, and we all have our share to create a greater humanity. Just make sure you’re shedding light, not darkness, and don’t fight contrast or others’ perceptions. Accept that everyone’s journey is unique, as we’re all imparting a seed in some form. We tread the path of imperfections, on a journey of trial and error to our destination. The most important element is acknowledging our progress and always seeking growth. Danny G.

Devotion and Perseverance

Though others don’t love you because you do not conform, God loves you because of your devotion. Though others don’t understand you because you’re different, God understands you for he created you, and he resides in you. What makes you unique is your strength and perseverance to not give in, and to not allow the world to change you into someone you’re not. Danny G.

Listen To Your Authentic Self

You were created with purpose, uniqueness, and gifts. Don’t try to follow someone else’s path, for they have their own journey and strengths. Listen to your inner guidance, to who you truly are, and to your authentic self. It won’t fail, and you’ll realize there’s a world inside waiting to be discovered. Danny G.