When the world realizes that we need to walk in unity, interconnectedness, we will live peacefully. As long as control, power and dominion ramps among nations, there will be chaos and havoc. We need to accept contrast, freedom and the many different voices of humanity. Let’s come together with compassion, not division, and with empathy, not separation. Let’s walk together to create peace and integrity with our nations. We are the change makers. We are the voices. We are the healers of our planet. Let’s all be the divine change makers to create positive change in the world. Danny G.
You Choose
You create division by saying this is the one and only path. You steer people away by saying this is the one and only path. There are many teachers and thought leaders from many different facets in life. Choose what resonates with you and let go of the rest. Danny G.
Unity Collaboration and Uniqueness
Evolution is not through separation, but through unity, collaboration, and uniqueness. When we act in unity, we work in collaboration as a whole to create a greater humanity. Everyone has a part to share through their authenticity and uniqueness to create a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.
A Unity Of Interconnected Beings
We cannot live without compassion, nor can we expand without compassion. Whatever change we make, we impact others by being our unique self. We are a unity of interconnected beings striving for peace and harmony. Don’t seek division, seek the greater you, which is love and compassion. Danny G.
The Unity We Are
The egoless person says you can do all things like him, or greater. He’s not in competition with anyone other than himself. He knows everyone comes from the divine, and he knows the unity that we all are is bound to prevail. Danny G.
No Separation
There is no separation, there is unity, an interconnected species that is meant to thrive together in this physical plane. Whatever you do, do it with God, knowing God has good intentions, and his plans are to include you, and everyone in the expansion of the universe. Danny G.
Whether you change 10 lives or 1 million lives, everyone is connected and we are all one. Believing in unity is key. Believing in interconnection is key. Separation creates conflict. Unity creates compassion and global change. Danny G.
By Love and Unity
You inspire the best in others by showing compassion and empathy. You inspire the best by looking at their qualities rather than their weaknesses. You inspire the best by focusing on their potential rather than their failures. Uplift others the right way, not through manipulation or coercion, but through love and unity. Danny G.
All Uniting
Humanity needs balance and contrast. It needs creativity and wisdom. It needs your contributions, your purpose and calling. When we all unite to share our unique and authentic selves, we create a greater world and a greater humanity. Danny G.
Calling Purpose and Fulfillment
The universe yearns for your communication, compassion and unity. Tap into the infinite intelligence by stillness, tranquility and inner peace. God is difficult to hear when your mind is chaotic or confused. Quiet down, listen, be your authentic and unique self, and the universe will support you with your true calling, purpose and fulfillment. Danny G.