Perception Changes Everything

You can see this world and humanity as merely evolution and happenstance, or you can see it as creation from the divine and all its interconnected beings. You can see it as chaos or havoc, or you can see it as your opportunity for growth and unity. Perception changes everything including you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Let Love Lead the Way

Anger is a normal emotion we all feel at times. It’s our reaction to anger that defines who we are and the unfolding of our lives. Anger also affects all the lives we touch, so let’s not act on revenge, bitterness or pessimism, since those emotions all cause separation. Separation is not an act of God. Love creates union and a peaceful world. Love casts all fear. Let love lead the way, and let God be the loving source he always was and always will be. Danny G. 

The Spark Of Change

There’s always two worlds within you. One can see the cruelty, inequality, and chaos of the world. One can see the joy, unity, and peace. Which one do you want to embrace, and which one do you want to spark change? Danny G.

Everlasting Growth

Working collectively for a peaceful nation is knowing everyone has their share to correlate and create meaningful change. It’s knowing we’re in this together, in a journey for peace and joy. As we work in unity, not separation, we find the strength within, through our source and power. With faith and persistence, the divine unfolds the miraculous journey. Let the path unfold as our intuition follows for a greater humanity, and everlasting growth. Danny G. 

All from the Same Source

Language, funny isn’t it?

We hold on so tight to our roots,

Our heritage and upbringing, 

That we’d rather create conflict 

And arguments 

Then live in unity.

What is language, 

Other then a means to communicate,

Yet we create havoc 

Among each other 

To preserve it.

A little sad when past heritage 

Is at the forefront, 

When peace and harmony

Should be our priority.

Let’s not create separation

Through our past history,

In a world, 

Where we all come from the same source.

Danny G.

Miracles Unleash

Being in alignment with source or God can be described as growing in deeper unity with God. It can be described as thinking more like him, speaking more like him, and behaving more like him. It can be described as seeking our spiritual evolution. When we seek our spiritual evolution, miracles unleash for our divine purpose and destiny. Danny G.

Her Revealing Eyes

He looked into her eyes, while anguish was staring back at him as she mourned in disarray, from the chaotic world of today. He then told himself, why has the world assumed that conflict and war is a solution, when so much are afflicted from the beginning? The answer was very simple to him, as he was observing her beautiful grieving face. Danny G.

Seeking Peace and Unity (Poem)

We don’t understand the impact of our words.

Our actions spit out prejudice and malice 

Among others,

Through nothing but ancestry and culture,

And skin on our bones.

Nation after nation, 

We create our own competition, 

Seeking one way to live, 

One truth to accept, 

Altering the meaning of prophesies into lies.

We don’t understand the impact of our words. 

Our words spit out racism and slurs, 

Not considering the lives 

We affect,

Through prejudice and conflict and war.

We create havoc among each other,

Sleep walking and bashing each other, 

To win some contest of better or not.

Let’s not forget our core,

Our reason for being,

To live peacefully 

As brothers and sisters, 

Let’s not contradict through lies.


Politics and Contemplation (Poem)


We don’t understand the concept of it all.

We’ll reject it or embrace it,

With nothing but a smirk on our lips.

Everyone is an enemy, 

Or so we’re taught 

To behave this way. 

Bashing each other,

To win some contest

Of better or not.

We create havoc among each other,

Without a means to an end.

We insult, criticize, 

Based solely on appearance.

We rather have the master,

That speaks tongues 

And embraces himself in vain.

We choose him rather than

True values at stake.

We choose him because he’s a man,

Underestimating every women in the world.

We don’t understand the true meaning of politics. 

What it can do for a nation.

We rather bash each other, 

And blame, 

Then contemplate our motives at stake.