Focusing Inward

Doing the mental work means focusing inward for our spiritual evolution so that in the darkest hour, when everything seems bleak, and you feel exhausted beyond belief, you won’t give in. You’ll remember those universal truths, you’ll apply them, and call them yours. Danny G. 

Reflection and Refocusing

Sometimes we don’t learn the universal truths until the challenge is so great, it overwhelms us. Let’s spare time for reflection and refocusing even when life is great with no issues to bear. With contemplation and faith, it’s always enough to shift the tide in our favor. Just don’t wait until the storm is so great, it consumes you. Danny G. 

A Reminder

I do not teach because I am perfect, nor do I teach because I live my teachings every moment of every day. I teach to make a difference in my own life and others, and I teach because I need to be reminded of these universal truths for my own well being. Danny G.