The Limitless Source

Every invention came first from an idea. Every breakthrough came first from persistence and faith. Every recovery came first from a belief that it can be done. Therefore, know your power and part in creation. Know the limitless source you serve, and the infinity of the universe, and that nothing is impossible with the great I AM! Danny G. 

Focusing on the Source

Don’t focus on lack, powerlessness, or the fear that lingers in your mind. Don’t focus on how great the mountain appears to be. Focus on all the universal forces conspiring on your behalf for its glory. Focus on this source who loves you, guides you, and always looks out for you as you tread the mountain and triumph. Danny G. 

Steadfastness and Perseverance

If you would see all the universal forces by your side waiting to assist you, you would never fear  or doubt its power. You would know steadfastness and perseverance wins the battle. And you’d have the courage to step forth boldly with faith in your heart, and strength in your veins, while knowing the victory is yours to keep. Danny G. 

Your Only Control and Power

Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have. Know it’s always enough to achieve your every desire. If you can think it, you can manifest it, for every dream first started with a single thought, and it required persistence and faith to bring it to fruition. Be the best version of you, and allow the universe to intervene for your greatest good. Danny G. 

A Peaceful Haven for Everyone

Why is love the most powerful force in the universe? Because loves creates union and peace on earth. Hate, fear, and revenge creates separation, conflict, and war. Why would God create contrast and a humanity for us to be against each other, or fight? Why would God create a humanity yet want separation? God said love is the most powerful force in the universe, because he knew we would need it to create a peaceful haven for everyone. Danny G.

Your Greatest Power

Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have, and being grateful where you currently stand. That’s the only control you’ll ever have, through thoughts, words and behavior. The rest must be left to the universal forces to guide you and unleash its magic. Danny G.

Contrast and Growth

Do not condemn preference or contrast, for preference or contrast creates the world and individuality. Without it, there is no humanity, and without it, there is no universe. Just like a bouquet of flowers, you can choose your preference, and like a buffet, you can choose your preference. One doesn’t make the other wrong, it just adds to the whole. Therefore, do not condemn others preference or contrast, just choose your own, and allow humanity to choose their own. For without it there is no creation. Danny G.

Our Role in Divine Intervention

The process of recovery is a firm belief in wellness. You must focus on it until it becomes your very existence. Focus on it, speak about it, and act on it, and then allow the universe to do the rest. Thought, word and action is your only power, and the rest must be left to the creator to work his magic. Danny G.

Passion is Our Calling

That passion you have, that you always had, and that is now the focus of your life, is God’s calling for your life. It’s your gifting for the world, but it’s also your gifting for your own evolution and journey. Accept it, embrace it, and allow it to unfold as it should, and know the universal force is always guiding you every step of the way to your victory. Danny G.

Integrity and Fairness

Have faith in God to fight your battles for you. Don’t lower yourself by being bitter or unforgiving. Know that your integrity opens the door for God to work in your life. When you allow this spirit of fairness to rule over you, you allow the universe to protect you and conspire on your behalf. Danny G.