Don’t be afraid of change and the unknown. For the greatest creation and imagination stems from the unknown. It’s what allows you to redefine yourself and create anew. Face it head on, know you are worthy, know you are capable, and know the universal force is guiding you, every step of the way. Danny G.
Practice the mental work so much that the action feels inevitable, as it keeps on calling you and calling you to a greater life and future. Let the mental work inspire you to action, and be the best you, as you embark on unknown territory and claim it yours. Danny G.
Newfound Eyes
When you live life whole heartedly, the universe opens doors you thought were only barriers. You’ll walk onto uncharted territory, and claim it yours. You’ll know source conspires on your behalf, and your only role is to be the best you in your newfound eyes. Danny G.
Relying on Source
We crave the unknown because outside the mundane it feels exciting, new and intriguing. But once in the unknown, at times we bow down to uncertainty, doubt and fear. If we can be at peace in the unknown, despite the world pressing down on us, or trying to pull us one way, we can be at peace indefinitely with anything, and we would rely on ourselves, our source, and our greatest power. Danny G.
The Best Vantage Point
When stepping onto uncharted territory, and change comes knocking at your door, believe in the inevitable process that the journey will get better and better. The unknown is the best vantage point for positive change, and when you declare positive change in the midst of uncertainty and doubt, you change your path into inevitable success, joy and gratification. Danny G.
At Peace With the Unknown
Freedom is being at peace with the unknown, with your adversities and imperfections. It’s knowing you’re in control, and the power remains with your thoughts, words and actions. Create a masterpiece despite the imperfections and the opposition steering your way. Call it forth, as you guide the vessel to your destination and mission. Danny G.
Redefining You and Life
Growth comes from stepping out into the unknown, and being the best you. It’s honoring what brought you here, and all the progress along your physical trail. It’s being aware you cannot create out of sameness, but the unknown gives you the perfect opportunity to redefine you, and your newfound life. Danny G.
Embrace the Unknown
Even if the path leads you to the unknown, or if it creates doubts and concerns that consume your mind, keep pressing through, despite the shackles on your feet, and the confusion that invades your mind. Eventually you’ll have your breakthrough, for persistence and faith always leads to your breakthrough, and victory. One day, you’ll feel a deep sense of gratitude for your persistence, and the simple act of unwavering faith. Danny G.
Being At Peace With the Unknown
Be at peace with the unknown, and know this is the best vantage point to create. For you cannot create out of sameness, and out of sameness comes complacency and dullness. Therefore, embrace the unknown, be the deliberate creator you were born to be, and allow the divine to unleash its favor, abundance, and success. Danny G.
Deliberate Creators
As the deliberate creators we are, we’re always programming our mind every single day. It never ends, it’s a constant stream, broadcasting events, circumstances, and sometimes trials. We observe our surroundings as we venture into the unknown, fabricating all types of scenarios subconsciously, as we tread the path to our destination. Some are good, some are trouble, as we try to find our path in the illusionary game of time and space. Let’s think consciously and be the deliberate creators we’re born to be, not creating by default, but with a purpose in mind, a destination, and free will. Danny G.