Untapped Potential Within

Just when you thought it was a dead end road, God opened up a new door you never knew existed. For when you were too focused on the mountain, confusion and doubt invaded your mind. When you took a step back, quieted your mind, you remembered your source again. You realized the infinite and limitless source you serve, and your untapped potential within. Danny G.

The God Within You

Message from the God within you: For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your power, and untapped potential. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of your strength, determination, and perseverance. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you that you’re one step away from your breakthrough. For whatever time it takes, I’m going to remind you of the power of faith in overcoming obstacles. If you simply remember this, no longer will you fight the inevitable, and no longer will you fear, or doubt your power. Essentially, you’ll just be, and let it all in. Danny G.

The Inspiration You Need

The reason you feel envious of an individual, isn’t because of their greater success, or greater perspective. It isn’t because you don’t measure up, and you cannot attain their success. It’s because you’re overly critical of yourself, and you’re too focused on all the reasons you can’t. When you realize we all come from the same source, and we’re all made up of the same energy that creates worlds, envy vanishes. For you know, whatever one has achieved, you can achieve as well, or you can achieve greater. And you know those success stories can be the very indicators and inspiration you need, for your own achievements, and untapped potential. Danny G.

Untapped Potential

Everything that happens in our life and the world is ultimately for the evolution of our soul and humanity. Life teaches through experience if we simply listen. Life teaches with intuition, wisdom and an attentive ear. Everyone is unique, and everyone has their share to create a brighter humanity. If you didn’t have your share, God wouldn’t have created you and birthed you in this physical plane. He created you because he knew you had untapped potential, gifts, and talents and he wanted you to discover them for your own evolution, and the evolution of humanity. Danny G.