Have Faith and Let Go

If he lives inside you indefinitely, know you always have what you need, and you’re always in control. The sole provider, and universal consciousness, is inside you and every consciousness on this planet. Therefore, don’t doubt, trust in the process, and have faith in your source. Danny G.

Patience Where Wisdom lies (Poem)


As it remains and escapes,

Through the process of trial and error,

Where wisdom lies.

An underestimating emotion,

We cannot stand.

Though uneasy at first,

Inner peace lies.


Being steadfast and firm,

Though contradictions spies,

In a world of its own,

Of wisdom and lies.


Though uneasy and flat,

Indecisive and black,

Contemplating time and elation,

Like a fiery trial.


Though treacherous at first,

If we simply pull through,

Wisdom lies.