Brilliant Mind at Work

Don’t allow the adversities to take control and overtake you. Don’t allow it to zap your strength and cause you to give in. You are strong, you are vibrant, and you have the most brilliant mind at work through the divine. Every time that moment of fear or doubt returns, remember your vision and hold it in your mind. Remember about your untapped potential within, and the greatness you were born to be. Danny G.

Creation and Illusions

At one point in time, you were so vibrant, so lively, so fun to be around. Then you let others turn you into someone you’re not. You allowed their lies and misconceptions to take root, as you allowed them to control you. Slowly and gradually, your worthiness and value slipped, into a pit so deep, their misconceptions became yours. After wondering in a drought for so long, and pondering life’s misconceptions of you, you took a deep pause of reflection and faith, and tossed aside your created illusion. You said all is well, at my father’s hand, and I’ve been dwelling in the illusionary land. I now declare my rightful land, as I seek within, from the father’s land. I don’t allow others to alter my course, nor do I allow the word of treachery and cruelty to rule me. I’ve been down this path before, I won it in my mind, so be it in life. Danny G.