Meaning Amidst It All

Conditions may have an effect on you, but only to the degree you allow them to. Speak to them, and don’t allow them to intimidate you, or predict the worst outcome. Be sturdy and steadfast, and hold the vision in your mind. Allow them to strengthen you, to provide wisdom when facing adversities, and to make meaning amidst it all. Danny G. 

The Visionaries

The visionaries of our time may have felt fear from time to time, but they never allowed it to consume them. In essence, they felt it, and they remained steadily focused on their dream. Whenever the fear tried to creep in, they had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. They persisted with faith, knowing success was theirs to claim. Danny G. 

With Heart and Soul

Don’t allow others to tell you who you are, or what you can or cannot become. This is your territory, and nobody knows you better than you. Have faith in your vision, and know nothing can prevent the course of the inevitable dream, as you persist with faith in your heart and soul. Danny G. 

Unleash Your Creativity

The divine dwells in possibilities and creativity. Whatever you do, do it with passion in your heart and soul, and know source is providing for you to unleash the vision in your mind. Break free from your limitations, and allow the creator to reveal his insights and action steps, to release your potential and gifts. Danny G. 

Refocusing Your Energy

Instead of spending time worrying about the future, fearing it, or dreading it, spend time refocusing your life and vision. Be productive with your time and energy. When you focus all your energy on your concerns, less energy is left to be proactive. Be conscientious with your time, and seek wisdom beyond the physical. Seek the source within you. Seek the Phoenix you were created and born to be. Danny G. 

Allowing the Divine

Whatever you’ve been procrastinating over and over again, know the God or Goddess within you isn’t afraid of the long trek to the mountain top. No matter how great the challenge, or the opposition, he holds steadfastly to his vision and dream. He doesn’t waver as he allows the divine to reveal the journey. Danny G. 

Brilliant Mind at Work

Don’t allow the adversities to take control and overtake you. Don’t allow it to zap your strength and cause you to give in. You are strong, you are vibrant, and you have the most brilliant mind at work through the divine. Every time that moment of fear or doubt returns, remember your vision and hold it in your mind. Remember about your untapped potential within, and the greatness you were born to be. Danny G.

Unleash the Greater You

If you want to recreate the new version of you, you cannot recreate by holding on to the past.  Holding on to the past only recreates yesterdays. If you want to recreate you, embrace change, and hold the vision in your mind of your creation. Allow the unfamiliar and the unknown to shape you into who you’re destined to be. The past can be a teacher, and the unknown can be your opportunity to unleash the greater you. Danny G. 

Your Breakthrough

Everything came first from a thought. Every success or failure came from thoughts. Every creation came from imagination. Therefore, we have control and power through the vision we hold in our minds. We have control and power through the stormy night and the mountain top. Have faith in the God or Goddess you are, and let your thoughts lead you to your breakthrough, and magnificent sunrise. Danny G. 

Life Cycles Of Triumph

Be solution oriented, don’t be problem oriented. When you’re focused on the solution, you’re focused on faith, and possibilities. When you’re problem oriented, your mind cannot get passed challenge, and you find yourself in a pit that is difficult to overcome. Hold the vision in your mind of your breakthrough or success, and don’t allow the contradictions to steer you off course. Be aware everything comes from within, and when you find that place of stillness in the depth of your being, you know all is well, and everything works out for good in the end. You know in your soul that true inspiration and change is constantly unfolding for the miraculous life cycles of triumph. Danny G.