You can convince yourself of anything if you persist. Everything stems from the vision you hold in your mind. Make sure it’s a vision of peace, happiness, and faith. Declare you’re an overcomer, and nothing can stand in your way. Create your own beliefs, and allow the reality you choose, to reflect your inner vision, calling, and purpose. Danny G.
Unleash the Giant Within You
My words are recollections of what you knew within the depth of your being. They’re meant to unleash the giant within you. Put them into motion with your thoughts and boldness. Step into action with your vision at the forefront, knowing nothing is too great for the God or Goddess within you. Danny G.
Focusing on the Vision
Focus on your vision, not the mountain. Focus on possibilities, not the obstacles. Focus on your dream, protect it, and claim it yours. For whatever one has achieved, so can you, and whatever hasn’t been achieved, you can be the pioneer on a new mission. Danny G.
Your Wisdom Within
There are many roads to Rome with adventures and freedom knocking at your door. However, do not get too conformed to your outer self that you neglect your wisdom within. Sometimes it’s a process of trial and error, as you tread the path to your vision and dream. Nevertheless, seeking within, should be your true calling and purpose. Danny G.
Remember Your Vision
Every work of art began with one stepping stone, and perseverance and faith to the masterpiece and dream. As you lay the stones, hold fast to your vision, persevere and claim it yours. If opposition strikes, remember your origin and who you are. Remember your vision, why you started, and declare what’s rightfully yours. Danny G.
Infinite Source and Power
Every great hero or leader felt battle fatigue at one time in their lives. They tried and failed, succeeded, then fell back. It did not matter how great the challenge was, or how much opposition came forth. Neither did it matter that their body was aching and they felt exhausted beyond belief. They had their vision at the forefront of their mind, and they did not waver. For every time doubt came creeping in, they remembered their origin, their ancestors, and the ones who never gave in. They knew the victory was theirs through persistence, faith, and knowing that nothing is too great for our infinite source and power. Danny G.
Standing Next to It
Although it hasn’t manifested, I know there is divine timing for everything and everyone. For now I wait in patience, steadfastly holding on to my vision, while not consumed by its absence. For if it appears tomorrow, so be it, and if it appears in 5 years, so be it, and if in 10 years, so be it. For the waiting doesn’t make me lose my alignment, and the waiting doesn’t take away my joy. Therefore, I wait in silence knowing I can be standing right next to it. Danny G.
Yearning and Manifestation
A yearning is the beginning to life’s every desire. Every desire has a means of manifestation, if we look within and persist. The path will be shown step by step as we march forward with our vision at the forefront. Challenges come and go as we tread the path of our divine mission. With every challenge, comes seasons, growth, and newfound romance. A simple persistence and simple optimism with a sturdy vision, always brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. Danny G.
Fearlessly Face the Unknown (Poem)
There’s a whole world and vision in front of me now.
Behind remains status quo, and chains keeping me down.
Shall I dance with what lies in front of me now,
Or look up to the sky and depart.
Exhilaration is calling me,
From a stand of nothing
But my father’s hand.
Shall I leap away,
Or allow the chains to remain.
My limp causes me to stay
As I focus on my infirmities
And fear along the way.
What choice shall it be,
Let the fear take over?
Or fearlessly face the unknown?
Create Your Healing
Focusing On A Different Reality
We’ve all heard pain and disease is first created in the mind. But how much is created in our mind and how much is created by our physiology or other factors? Science is beginning to unravel the fact that we’re constantly changing our physiology by our focus, stress, and lifestyle choices.
Focusing on the pain or negative symptoms brings about most of our stress. It’s our thoughts on the pain or symptoms that create stress and perpetuates the problem or causes deterioration.
Many research studies discovered that through our everyday choices such as stress reduction techniques and healthy lifestyle choices, we have the power to change our physiology within months, or years depending on the body part.
When we focus on an improved condition or optimal health, we move towards this new and improved reality, or when we apply stress reduction techniques, we’re releasing resistance thereby causing less bodily pain or symptoms.
What makes a sensation or disease painful? When we focus on the sensation, we give it all types of names and descriptions, and then we dread the sensation coming back or we fear the sensation getting worse. We then fear the inevitable because whatever we’re focused on, we create.
It’s difficult to change a condition when we’re faced with bodily pain or symptoms because this is our current reality, and we’ve been giving it names and descriptions for as long as we had the symptoms. We then enlarge the pain and create emotional turmoil by our constant focus, fear and dread of the symptoms.
When we see the sensation as a perception of a sensation, then we no longer give it so much weight and attention and the pain diminishes. Only by focusing on a different reality, we’re able to create an improved condition.
If you were to focus solely on the pain, what would happen? The pain would start. Yet if someone were to distract you, are you still focused on the sensation? Continual distractions by focusing on a different reality will improve and heal your condition in time.
Healing will require faith despite the current condition contradicting your vision. By being steadfast, the new image in your mind will become your reality, and the time frame will be determined by your beliefs, expectation and your ability to receive healing.
Ask yourself, why does one person, say a sensation is painful or unbearable, yet another with the same sensation say it’s much more tolerable? Is it because of their physiology or is it because of their definition and attention on the sensation?
Some people may have a different threshold according to their physiology, but essentially, who created our own threshold? We’ve created our own threshold over the years by focusing on unwanted sensations, and then calling these sensations intolerable or painful.
What happens when your foot is throbbing, but you start laughing at a comment your friend made? Are you focused on your foot? What happens when you bring your awareness back to your throbbing foot? The pain starts again. Can a sensation exist without awareness of it, and wouldn’t it disappear if we’re not aware of it?
When you focus on something entirely different, you’re no longer magnifying the problem and you’re creating another reality in which you move towards. What would happen if you created your own reality in your mind that has nothing to do with your throbbing foot? It’s difficult, but if you can focus on your friend’s comment you can also focus on a different reality.
See the pain as only a sensation and see distraction as a means to focus on something entirely different other than your pain. When we focus on something which brings joy, we’re no longer magnifying the problem, and we’re no longer making it our only focus. Then the pain or symptoms subside and disappears in time because it can not exist, if we’re always focusing on a different reality.
My advice is, don’t give the symptoms any recognition, and focus on a different reality and you’ll see for yourself that disease is created by our attention and it cannot live in a healthy spiritual mind. When we no longer pay attention to the disease and we remain spiritually connected and faithful, the symptoms subsides and vanishes in time.