The reason one can walk in love and compassion despite strife, is because that person took a step back from strife. He quieted his mind from the distraction of strife. He understood, but he didn’t condone. He accepted that everyone has their journey, and not everyone is evolved. He also understood that acting on anger never brings about the desired result, as it only perpetuates the anger. He understood his role is to love without condoning, understand and accept despite the strife surrounding him. Danny G.
Become Self Aware
Whenever your mind drifts into pessimism and fears, become self aware, practice mindfulness and listen to your inner dialogue. Listen to what the emotion teaches you. Embrace the feeling, don’t resist it, and return to that inner knowing, that inner guidance, and victor mindset, to take you back home. Danny G.
At Peace Nevertheless
Revenge, jealousy and envy will never erase the pain you feel in your heart and soul. Some believe it’s a means to an end, when really it only perpetuates the pain. Allow love and compassion to rule your heart and soul, and whatever love you receive back, whether in lack or plenty, you will be at peace with yourself, your source and your provider. Danny G.
Allow Faith
Faith and pessimism are a perception of reality. Perception can change by seeking wisdom, enlightenment and inspiration. Pessimism is the opposite of faith where one predicts the worst outcome, or the worst case scenario. Reality is defined by perception and perception changes reality. Choose faith over pessimism and allow faith to lead the way. Danny G.
Alignment Over Ego
You can seek alignment with your source and creator, or you can choose to follow the ego. Your choice has benefits and consequences, but if you choose God, the ultimate provider, you choose faith and wisdom. With faith, wisdom and persistence, anything is possible. Danny G.
Stillness Tranquility and Peace
Quiet your mind, and the more you find stillness, tranquility and peace, the more you find clarity and wisdom. Seek inward before the external, and you’ll discover the genius within you. This is when breakthroughs manifest before your very eyes. Danny G.
The Ultimate Success
Experience and exploration can be the greatest teacher. Some experience and explore while leaving the soul behind. Others experience and explore and let the soul lead the path. The soul yearns for experience and exploration, however, the soul is fully aware experience and exploration alone doesn’t create true outstanding growth. Seeking your spiritual evolution is growth, seeking the best version of you is growth, and allowing the soul to teach you wisdom is the ultimate story of success and triumph. Danny G.
The Right Mindset
Most healing is not an intellectual journey. It’s a journey of seeking inward, self love and wisdom. It’s seeking wisdom before the intellect, and choosing faith over fear. It’s knowing our journey has many seasons, and seasons change with the right mindset. Danny G.
The Process Of Transformation
You can always reject what doesn’t serve you, or what no longer serves you. Don’t be confined to a cage with misconceptions, pessimism and fears. Learn to let go and let wisdom and love rule your heart and soul. You’re always in the process of transformation, and letting go is the best means of bringing in more good and releasing the old. Danny G.
The Process Of Expansion
We move through seasons with the inevitable changes of life as we yearn for growth and new experiences. Accepting and embracing means being aware of the changing seasons, and letting go of negative attachments. It’s being aware life is always in the process of expansion for ourselves and humanity. Learn to walk with it, and be the best you in the midst of it. There is beauty in each season if we dare to look beyond the ego and embrace the new. Danny G.