Everything You Need

Don’t wait until you’re in the battlefield before seeking inward for your spiritual evolution. So many wait until they hit a disaster before practicing mindfulness, faith and wisdom. Then they get struck with confusion and doubt. They’re puzzled as to what path to take because they’re not prepared and ready. Prepare yourself by being mindful. Prepare yourself by having faith. Prepare yourself by seeking wisdom which has all the answers and solutions you’re looking for. Then when the battle lies before you, you will have the tools to overcome and thrive. Danny G. 

One With the Divine

Life is not a school of right or wrong. Life doesn’t sentence or judge when you don’t condemn yourself. There are wise choices, and there are poor choices. Both have benefits and consequences, but God will love you the same which ever path you choose. You are one with the divine, and he will always guide you, and reconcile you to greater truths and success. Danny G.   

Extensions Of Source

We are all extensions of the universal source that lives inside us, and that is the universe. We as extensions of source have all the insight and wisdom we’ll ever need from this power. When in doubt, call to the source that created you and lives inside you. As extensions to the greater whole, we can always ask him for any dream or solution. Danny G. 

Lessons for Growth

Allow your failures to be lessons for growth and expansion. The failures can either sink you into a pit, or they can be lessons to succeed and thrive. Listen to your failures for they have something to teach, and you’ll recognize they were merely stepping stones to a greater you and a greater life. Danny G. 

Planting the Right Seeds

Stop planting seeds of misery and heartache, for they will reap as you foreseen them to be. Plant seeds of faith, wisdom, and love. Every seed comes from a thought, or a word, or a deed, so ensure you plant the right ones for harvest time is waiting for you to call it forth. Danny G.  

Free Will or Destiny

Is it free will or destiny that shapes what lies before us? We choose and enact our destiny by our choices, wisdom and faith. Destiny doesn’t grapple with our free will or inner peace, it calls us through the every day choices we make along our physical trail. The more we become aligned with the divine, the greater the destiny and life that lies before us. Danny G. 

Embracing Change

Change is necessary for your growth and evolution, and you fight it consistently. Every success, breakthrough and healing came from change and taking risks. Every journey had setbacks and detours, but the ones who embraced change and remained focused on their dream, persevered and had their breakthrough. Danny G. 

Be the Eagle

Don’t feed the anger, honor it, embrace it, and use it constructively. Don’t feed the resentment, let go and act with love. Don’t feed the fear, reverse it by affirming the opposite. Feed the right emotions and let go of the old. Be the eagle who rises high above the stormy night. The turbulence doesn’t scare him, for he knows he can find that space of stillness, where the calm settles in with the bright sunrise. He can always find this space of stillness by spreading his wings and soaring. Danny G. 

Destined to Grow

You come into this world to learn the truths that govern humanity. You come into this world to know the infinite limitless being you are. You come into this world to know we’re all interconnected, and we’re all in this together. You learn these truths for your own well being and the well being of others. By knowing these truths, you impart them to the world as a seed destined to grow. Danny G. 

Accepting Change

To live in wisdom and happiness, you must accept change and embrace it. Not allowing change and not letting go, is fighting the inevitable. Change is constantly happening, and often we get stuck on yesterdays, or wanting to relive the past. Accept your new self, and accept that your life is constantly changing. Embrace it, and remember the Phoenix you’re destined to be. Danny G.