Don’t Neglect the Inner You

When we revert to a chemical to heal or numb the pain, our emotions lie dormant in the depth of our soul. Our emotions wait to be discovered through seeking within for its essential calling. When we don’t deal with our emotions, and we keep burying them with a chemical, we become dependent on something outside ourselves. When we always seek outside ourselves, we can never truly heal and be abundant. All good comes within, so don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.

Always and Still Worthy

You’ve dealt with enough already, and you’ve squirmed in affliction long enough. Don’t let yourself fall prey to life’s circumstances and tribulations, as though you’re not worthy enough. You were always worthy enough, you just let others convince you you’re not. Danny G.

Stay True to You

Don’t allow people to change you into someone you’re not. If you’re not careful, humanity can convince you the wrong is right. In time you’ll wonder why you lost your integrity and faith in God. Accept everyone has their journey and accept yours is to be the best you, and be true to who you are. Danny G.

Joy Versus Ego

There are people who seek merely wealth, lust and attractiveness in a partner. There are people who seek primarily love, appreciation or loyalty in their significant other. One brings ego and the other brings joy. What’s sad is many choose the ego over the joy. Danny G.

Choose You

Don’t make a relationship or a lover your world. If you make a relationship or a lover your world, and that person leaves your life, you lose yourself in the process. If you want to make something your world, choose yourself and God, for this never leaves you. Danny G.

Faith in the Right Place

Don’t put all your fate and faith in a lover, for when he or she leaves, you will feel broken as though you lost your life purpose. Seek yourself and your spiritual evolution, and the rest will take care of itself. Invest time for yourself, and then the right one will come and will be here to stay. Danny G.

I’ll Hope the Best

Even if it doesn’t work out, my intentions remain the same. Even if it doesn’t work out, my thoughts will never change. Even if it doesn’t work out, I’ll hope the best for you until my dying day. Danny G.

Being Proactive

Our inner dialogue defines who we are, and attracts what comes next. If you want to know why history keeps on repeating itself, listen to your inner dialogue, and be proactive, not passive. When we’re proactive, and not passive with our current thoughts, we live joyously and attract a brighter tomorrow. Danny G.

Do What Resonates With You

Don’t let money or recognition be your primary objective. Do what resonates with your soul and let the universe handle the rest. When you do what resonates with your soul, the universe conspires on your behalf for its glory. Danny G.

My True Essence

Ego knocks on my door sometimes asking me to forget what’s rightfully mine. I accept the egos attempt is simply my humanistic self again. I accept my humanistic self with loving eyes and focus on the essence of who I truly am. And when I focus on myself and the divine, I am reminded of my true purpose and potential of who I can be. Danny G.

EGO (edging God out)