Seek Wisdom and Apply It

Knowledge without action leads to nowhere. Knowledge with action, wisdom and persistence will yield your every desire. You can gather all the knowledge in the world, and still lack, or you can gather knowledge, seek wisdom and apply it. Danny G. 

Peace is the Answer

You can look at merely what is, or you can question it and seek greater truth. For every master learned not from merely others’ perspectives, but by creating his own. He questioned it, found peace, and then realized peace is the answer. Danny G. 

Greatest Power and Wisdom

Be curious about your ideas, insights and inspiration. Dig deep to find their meaning and purpose. Allow your ideas and insights to bloom into something beautiful and meaningful. Within your curiosity dwells your greatest power and wisdom. Danny G. 

Greatest Path to Success

Enthusiasm is the starting point to your dream and breakthrough. Enthusiasm creates motivation, inspiration and in time, wisdom. Find what excites you, what gives you passion and zest for life. That’s how breakthroughs are created, and that is the greatest path to success. Danny G. 

Childlike Wonder

Don’t bury that yearning, that childlike wonder, and that thirst for truth. Seek it, live it, and allow it to speak to your heart and soul. When you acknowledge it, and accept it for what it is, your spiritual journey, you reclaim your power and potential within. Danny G. 

An Extension Of Divinity

Do not fall into the trap of envy, for you have much to live for and much to give. Every person is authentic, and we all have our gifts to share for our evolution and the evolution of humanity. Merely envying others is denying your own power and potential. It’s denying who you came forth to be. Fully treasure yourself as an extension of divinity in your journey to success and triumph. Danny G. 

Acknowledge It

God speaks through the peace when you feel overwhelmed. He speaks through the clarity when you feel confused. He speaks through the strength when you feel weak. Whatever inspiration you receive that speaks to your soul comes from the divine. Acknowledge it, embrace your journey and you will get to your destination. Danny G. 

Mapping A New Life

In order to map a new life and future, you must let go of the old. Let go of misconceptions, mistranslations, and lies you acquired over time. Over time, you began listening to others, neglecting your inner guidance. You began listening to world views which you thought had greater truth than your wisdom. You began constructing your life based on others perceptions, the leaders and experts of our planet. 

Advice is good, however, every person is unique and authentic and we all have a different journey. People feel they need a rule book to live their lives. I’m not saying rules are not conducive to a greater society, however, every situation is different, and life is always changing and evolving. 

Ruling our lives based on yesterday perpetuates yesterdays. What if we continued to neglect women’s rights? Would we see change in equality and production with women? What improved women’s rights were people who stood up for a new resolution, a greater life and equal rights. 

How are gay people viewed today as opposed to the early 20th century? We live in a world with greater acceptance. As before, gay people would hide, now much more are expressing themselves in ways that society would previously abolish. 

In the 19th and 20th century, life seemed mapped out for us from the time we were children. We had teachers and leaders who would tell us what we can or cannot do based on their observations. How many of those people who were belittled or misjudged turned out to be a success story? What if they listened to the misconceptions and continued to create the same reality? Would they see change?

Humanity needs people who take the initiative to create positive change and break the boundaries. Breaking the boundaries means not listening to the misconceptions of yesterday or people who believe you can’t do it. It’s accepting contrast, accepting everyone’s journey and beliefs. It’s standing up for your rights and knowing what others say doesn’t create your life story. 

You create your life story through the authentic and unique being you are. Listen to your inner guidance, wisdom and intuition, and you’ll discover the leader and expert within you. 

The Treasure House Of Infinity

Inspiration comes from within, and from personal experience. Combine it with wisdom and an attentive ear, and you’ll discover the treasure house of infinity within you. From this space, inventions are created, art is created, literature is created, and all heavenly creation stems from this source. Be still, listen and be guided from within. Danny G. 

Being Productive With Your Time

Our mind and body are constantly changing and evolving. Is your body the same as it was 5 years ago or 10 years ago? The question should be, how do we change our mind and body for our greatest good, happiness and success. 

The only control we have is through thoughts, words and actions. Enough thoughts creates feelings and emotions. Enough words creates feelings and emotions. Behavior is enough thinking or speaking that results in action. 

You can think yourself into exhaustion if you dwell on lack of energy or lack of enthusiasm. Or you can think of yourself as strong if you dwell on the infinite and limitless source that lives inside you. You can think yourself into sickness if you only dwell on your symptoms and pain. Or you can think yourself into health if you focus on faith, wisdom and love. 

When you focus on faith, how much energy is left on fear? When you focus all your attention on faith, how much energy is left on feelings of lack? When you focus on wisdom, inspiration and enlightenment, are you more likely to make wise choices or poor choices? 

Whatever you entertain in your mind, you project into your body and your every day choices. When you reflect on love, how much space is there for anger, bitterness and pessimism? It all depends on how much energy you focus and act on positive emotions rather than negative emotions. 

I use these 3 emotions of faith, wisdom and love because they are so important to greater health, joy and success. Faith is the opposite of fear. It’s also the opposite of lack. It’s the opposite of pessimism. Wisdom is what allows us to make wise choices and put our faith into action. Love is what God is, and when we dwell on love rather than anger, bitterness and pessimism, we’re in alignment with the divine. Self love and loving others is God in action. 

Symptoms only control us to the degree we allow them to. Failure only controls us to the degree we allow it to. It’s our reaction that defines us and the life that unfolds. If we focus all our mental energy on our symptoms and pain, we give the symptoms greater power. If we focus all our energy on failure, little energy is left for learning, growing and transformation. 

You only have so much energy until you need to rest and rejuvenate your body. Use that time wisely, and you’ll have greater health, joy and success.