Wisdom Over Impulse

Acting on impulse is acting on anger, pessimism or bitterness. It’s the opposite of contemplation and reflection. It’s quick to feed the emotions, but it’s often quick the wrong way, and ends up causing heartache and trouble. 

When you allow negative emotions to consume you, eventually they spill out in your behavior, words and impulses. Often they cause trouble later on or they create strife with your loved ones. 

Our impulses or wisdom can either have negative consequences or benefits. The choice is up to us to listen to our quick impulses or to seek wisdom in spite of difficulties. Impulses often lacks wisdom and wisdom always leads to a greater life and future. Wisdom can be described as God, for whenever we seek God, wisdom is there. 

Wisdom is the ideal pathway for your life. Wisdom creates health, success and happiness, for who knows better than wisdom, the ultimate divine and source. Seeking inward before believing misconceptions, is the path to enlightenment. 

The key is to practice self control and discipline, for wisdom requires self control and self reliance. Seeking wisdom above the ego, and choosing long term gain over short time satisfaction is key to a greater life and future. 

We can venture into all sorts of directions in our life, never getting anywhere, never creating success or contributing to the world. That can be described as making quick judgments and  acting on impulses. 

Everyone experiences failures or setbacks, however, if we combine wisdom with failure, we learn from our mistakes and move forward towards our dreams and desires. Often when we begin our journey, we act on impulse, and we quickly feed our ego. 

Over time and often with age, we acquire wisdom because life causes us to contemplate and seek further insight. We can either move with this insight or we can wander in the desert our whole life. 

Everyone wanders from time to time, however, don’t let that become your permanent home. Learn, remember and choose the path to enlightenment. 

Recovering from OCD

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder can be described as an overactive mind. Overactive mind can be exhausting at times, especially when your thoughts cannot seem to stop. Your mind needs a break. 

It’s fine to want to fix something and improve a condition or situation. However, when you become obsessed and your mind is always fighting for the answer, over time, it takes a toll on your mental health. 

What is the opposite of an overactive mind? Stillness, tranquility and quieting the mind. Many practices incorporate stillness such as meditation, affirmations or visualization. Sometimes you may just need more solitude to bring about clarity of thought. 

You cannot fix or figure out everything right away, and you must be at peace with it regardless. Having inner peace means knowing with time, the answer or solution will come, when you allow faith to be your friend. 

Faith is trusting the universe, trusting yourself, and knowing this universal source is for you, not against you. When you become obsessed with your fears or you have beliefs that are consistently troubling you, know life has many seasons, and some seasons require time to bring relief, clarity and healing. 

You must learn to manage your thoughts so they don’t consume you, because when you can’t manage them, they become a disorder. Distract that obsessive thought by thinking of something positive and productive. Speak affirmations about your desired outcome until the obsessive thought dissipates. When you feel the impulse to act on something you know is unwise, refocus your thoughts on wisdom, love and faith. For whatever you consistently focus on becomes your inner dialogue, and your inner dialogue becomes you and your behavior. 

Speak affirmations about your desired outcome until there is no space left in your mind for your obsessive thoughts. Keep on interrupting the obsessive thought until you’re focused on your new desire and outcome. 

With practice, persistence and faith, you’ll gain mastery over your mind, and when you achieve this state, self control and discipline becomes your friend, and your ultimate destination. 

Great Men Of Faith

Inspiration and wisdom originates from the divine. When you feel these insights calling for action, take the leap and declare your faith. You can walk in circles for a lifetime and play it safe in fear of failure. But great men of faith who achieved greatness took their risks and turned them into breakthroughs. Danny G. 

The Inevitable Process Of Creation

Focus your energy on faith, wisdom, love and peace. Focus on the divine source and being that lives inside you. Just as you can magnify fear, pessimism and bitterness and become its essence, you can also create its opposite, the inevitable process of creation. Danny G. 

The Bright Soul You Are

Where do you dwell? Do you dwell in the land of pessimism, fears and bitterness? Or do you dwell in the land of faith, wisdom and love? Recognize the divinity that you are, and you’ll discover the faith, wisdom and love inherited through the bright soul that you are. Danny G. 

God Intervenes

When you run your course whole heartedly, know God is conspiring on your behalf and aligning things in your favor. When you practice humility, compassion and wisdom, God intervenes. Allow this source to unleash its magic for you and humanity. Danny G. 

Rising Above It

Being wronged will hold feelings of betrayal. Focus on the fact that you are human, and the only goal should be not to remain in this state of mind. Feel it, move on and be the best you. This is the best way to rise above it. Choose wisdom over ignorance, faith over fear, and compassion over anger. Danny G. 


You conditioned yourself with negative emotions and negative attachments, and you relive them again and again. The more you act on them, they become your very existence. Therefore, recondition your mind with faith, wisdom, love and all the good in the world. Embrace it, relive it, and let it become your new existence. Danny G. 

Faith Wisdom and Compassion

Stop the inner dialogue of fear, pessimism and bitterness, and replace it with faith, wisdom and compassion. If you want to hear God, seek that place of stillness, where all is well. Seek his spirit of peace which is essentially what God is. He will guide you to a safe haven and he will lead you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.

Follow Your Soul’s Desires

Life without desires and dreams becomes dull and boring. Find something that lifts your spirit, that gives you joy and zest for life. Don’t become complacent or stagnant in your ways. Stretch your faith, seek wisdom without conforming, and allow the infinite intelligence to work on your behalf. Danny G.