Focus your energy on faith, wisdom, love and peace. Focus on the divine source and being that lives inside you. Just as you can magnify fear, pessimism and bitterness and become its essence, you can also create its opposite, the inevitable process of creation. Danny G.
The Bright Soul You Are
Where do you dwell? Do you dwell in the land of pessimism, fears and bitterness? Or do you dwell in the land of faith, wisdom and love? Recognize the divinity that you are, and you’ll discover the faith, wisdom and love inherited through the bright soul that you are. Danny G.
God Intervenes
When you run your course whole heartedly, know God is conspiring on your behalf and aligning things in your favor. When you practice humility, compassion and wisdom, God intervenes. Allow this source to unleash its magic for you and humanity. Danny G.
Rising Above It
Being wronged will hold feelings of betrayal. Focus on the fact that you are human, and the only goal should be not to remain in this state of mind. Feel it, move on and be the best you. This is the best way to rise above it. Choose wisdom over ignorance, faith over fear, and compassion over anger. Danny G.
You conditioned yourself with negative emotions and negative attachments, and you relive them again and again. The more you act on them, they become your very existence. Therefore, recondition your mind with faith, wisdom, love and all the good in the world. Embrace it, relive it, and let it become your new existence. Danny G.
Faith Wisdom and Compassion
Stop the inner dialogue of fear, pessimism and bitterness, and replace it with faith, wisdom and compassion. If you want to hear God, seek that place of stillness, where all is well. Seek his spirit of peace which is essentially what God is. He will guide you to a safe haven and he will lead you to your breakthrough and success. Danny G.
Follow Your Soul’s Desires
Life without desires and dreams becomes dull and boring. Find something that lifts your spirit, that gives you joy and zest for life. Don’t become complacent or stagnant in your ways. Stretch your faith, seek wisdom without conforming, and allow the infinite intelligence to work on your behalf. Danny G.
The Answer and Solution Lies Within
Seek inward for all the wisdom and inspiration you need. The answer and solution lies within when you cast your faith in the infinite intelligence. There’s nothing you cannot be, do or have, and it all starts with seeking inward for wisdom and inspiration from the limitless source. Danny G.
God’s Capable Hands
Stop living according to the lies and misconceptions of others. Somewhere in your physical trail, you began listening to those who belittled you or mislead you. You took it as your own, neglecting your inner guidance and wisdom. Return to that voice within from the divine, and know you are in God’s very capable hands. Know this energy is within you, guiding you, and saying YOU CAN DO IT! Danny G.
Broaden Your Horizons
All the insight and wisdom you’ll ever need already exists in the world. Your only role is to tap into it. You tap into it by recognizing the universal source that transcends the universe, and realizing this energy is within you. You tap into it by recognizing your power and freedom. You tap into it by seeking inward for its answers and solutions. Don’t be confined with your human self, broaden your horizons, and know the deliberate creator you are. Danny G.