Get to know your subconscious mind. Program it with faith, wisdom and love. Become conscious of your subconscious mind, and reprogram it for success. Allow your conscious mind to unite with your subconscious, so they may work harmoniously with the divinity you are. Danny G.
God in Human Form
You’re a God or Goddess in human form, and whatever wisdom, enlightenment and love comes from the God within you. You are an ambassador of the divine, imparting your gifts and knowledge to the world for the ultimate expansion of the universe. Danny G.
Teaching Your Subconscious
Teach your subconscious mind to be conscious. Feed your conscious mind with faith, wisdom, and love, so your subconscious will allow your faith to grow stronger, your wisdom to broaden, and your love to shine through. Danny G.
Sturdy and Strong to Win the Battle
Don’t wait until you’re in seasons of danger before investing time for yourself. For when you’re in moments of panic, it’s difficult to have clarity of thought and assess your thoughts and choose wisdom. But if you invest time for yourself before the storm passes through, and you focus on your spiritual journey, like the palm tree that bends but never falls, you will be sturdy and strong to win the battle. Danny G.
Treading Mountains
Your greatest power is your imagination. Combine it with wisdom, an attentive ear, and an open mind and you’ll conquer anything. When your faith becomes stronger than your fear or doubt, you win the battle, and you know you can tread mountains before you. Danny G.
It’s All Perception
Suffering is a mind not at ease, and a body not at ease. The mind not at ease is optional, and whatever the mind says, the body eventually follows. Reaction defines everything including your emotional state and the life that unfolds. React out of peace, harmony and love. Seek wisdom, above your preconceived notions and misconceptions. In time, with persistence and faith, you’ll have the life of your every desire. Danny G.
Follow Your Passion
Follow your passion, what you love to do, and what brings you the greatest joy. That passion stems from the God or Goddess within you. Denying it, is denying who you truly are, and what you came forth to be. Danny G.
Experience As the Greatest Teacher
Experience combined with wisdom and an open mind is the greatest teacher, for that epiphany couldn’t have happened without the experience that brought you there. You had to have a spiritual awakening to know who you truly are, your depth and your reason for being. You had to have an epiphany to know your origin and the source that created you and is in you. The experience is never an accident, and if you listen to the experience and what it taught you, you would realize everything is orchestrated in divine order and timing.
Get beyond the experience by seeking inward to know its purpose for being. For when you seek within and back away, you can see the experience with a new perspective. New perspectives create a new reality.
Experience can either pull us back or move us forward. It all depends on our reaction to the experience, and if we choose to seek inward. Seeking inward means seeing the experience as the God or Goddess within you would see it. It’s realizing our higher self is always seeking growth, and when we embrace that, growth is inevitable.
There is a God or Goddess inside you at all time wanting you to seek it, for it knows the ideal pathway for your life. This God or Goddess knows how to react to new experiences and challenges. It knows how to overcome and conquer, and it knows how to reach the mountain top. This God or Goddess can do anything you want, you just have to be in alignment with it.
Being in alignment with it means you think like it, you speak like it, and you follow its inspired action steps. The only control you have is through thought, word, and action, and when you allow the divine to guide your every thought, word, and action, anything is possible.
You probably heard the scripture “with God, all things are possible.” Realize this God lives inside you at all times providing you with the insight, inspiration, and wisdom you need for your unique journey, and experience.
Recognize your depth, your strength, your wisdom through the God or Goddess you are, and don’t ever shrink back. Realize nothing is too difficult for the GREAT I AM!
Born A Phoenix
When you feel that void within the depth of your being, fill it with God’s unconditional love. Fill it with his wisdom, compassion and strength. In time that void will dissipate, as you learn to let go and embrace the divine being you are. You were born a phoenix and you always will be. Danny G.
The Spiritual Evolution
You’re a spiritual being on a spiritual journey
You have two beings within you at all times. One being is your inner being, or you can call it a soul, or spirit. The other being is the physical body that exists within the time space reality. Both are constantly affected by one another.
Whenever you spend more time inward, you tap in to the infinite intelligence or the God or Goddess inside you. You tap into this infinite intelligence by meditating, practicing mindfulness, or any type of spiritual practice that allows you to connect to the divine.
Anything that quiets the mind is beneficial to your mind and body, because when you quiet your mind, you let go of distractions that prevent you from having clarity of thought. When you have clarity of thought, you can listen to your inner guidance and wisdom.
Stress is created by an overactive mind, in which you’re obsessing over a number of stressors. You’re either stressing about the past or in most cases the future. When you stop fighting the thought, you’re in the present moment and you’re able to access your higher consciousness. When you access your higher consciousness, you feel true joy, gratitude and love, because accessing your higher consciousness means connecting to the divine. The divine is joy, gratitude, love and all the good in the world. When you operate out of the divine, you’re receptive to the insights from your soul, and the ego vanishes.
What does ego mean? The origin of the acronym means “edging God out.” When you act from your soul, being right is irrelevant because all you want to seek is love. When you act from your soul, fear vanishes because you have faith that can move worlds. When you act from your soul you’re no longer desperate for your desires, because you feel as though they already manifested or you feel such appreciation that the desire is irrelevant.
That’s where true freedom lies, with faith and love that cannot be shaken. This is the divinity that you are, a shell that has the most powerful energy inside you, which is God.