There’s two types of premonitions, one foresees the worst outcome, and the other sees the best outcome. Don’t let the battle wear you out incessantly, speak to the mountain and declare your story and happy ending. With forbearance comes wisdom, and faith that cannot be shaken. Danny G.
Reason for Being
Never underestimate your own power, and the unique soul you are. Listen to the authentic voice within, calling you to greatness and success. Embrace it, make memories, seek wisdom while knowing authenticity and joy is the reason for being. Danny G.
The Masterpiece of Your Life
Everything in life has a sequence and perfect timing. Wait steadfastly in positive anticipation for what lies next and what the path unfolds. Within the journey you’ll find wisdom, strength, and faith despite the stormy night. Look closely, you’ll discover joy, enlightenment, and serendipity in disguise. All together this creates the best version of you and the masterpiece of your life. Danny G.
Your Power and Resilience
With persistence, wisdom, and faith, you can conquer mountains before you. It all starts with a belief in your worthiness, strength, and the brilliant soul that you are. Don’t doubt your power, and resilience, for it was meant to catapult you to greatness. Danny G.
Persistence Wisdom and Faith
Persistence, wisdom, and faith is what springs forth all triumph. Without persistence, the battle will wear you down incessantly. Without wisdom, you’ll stumble wherever you go. Without faith, you’ll deny the possibilities. For whatever triumph, one had to believe in the possibilities, persevere, never relinquish, and dream. Danny G.
I Hope You Remember That
Whether our path crosses in a few years or we become a distant memory for life, you’ll always be a sacred part of my life. Whether we remain friends or more, and you enter feeling broken again, you’ll always be a sacred part of my life. I only want what’s best for you, and I hope you remember that. Danny G.
The Master of Your Destiny
As you envision your journey in the years to follow, make sure you’re optimistic, and faithful despite the battle. For there will be battles, but if you persistently dwell on them, you allow them to control you, and you give them your power. Then your journey follows its course in the essence of your thoughts. Your are the master of your destiny, creating with your imagination and wisdom. Therefore, envision your end result as you want it to be, and you’ll be the deliberate creator you were born to be. Danny G.
Unique Journey and Triumph
Intuition comes from within, not from an outside source. Seek within and you’ll find all the answers you’re looking for, from the infinite intelligence. Who would know best other than the one who created you, lives in you, and is in every particle in the universe? Your uniqueness defines who you are, what comes next, and your ultimate potential. And your inner guidance is destined for your unique journey and triumph. Danny G.
Your Soul Yearns Growth
Seek your inner self, and don’t allow the world to conform you. Your soul yearns for growth, through self discovery and freedom. Therefore, be who you truly are, while exploring and seeking wisdom, so you may shine your gifts for a brighter humanity. Danny G.
Intuition from the Divine
Every challenge and adversity speaks to our soul on some level. Some people embrace it, move forward, and thrive. Others allow the challenge to control them, while allowing the tide to overtake them. There are the ones who listens to the situation, contemplates, reflects, and turns their mountains into an achievement that seemed impossible from the start. Danny G.