The process of recovery is a firm belief in wellness. You must focus on it until it becomes your very existence. Focus on it, speak about it, and act on it, and then allow the universe to do the rest. Thought, word and action is your only power, and the rest must be left to the creator to work his magic. Danny G.
Persist and Believe
Don’t think for a moment, it cannot happen because of your past failures. Some of the greatest minds and teachers on this planet had many failures before their breakthrough. What made them thrive and accomplish great things was their unwillingness to give in. They truly believed in their heart they would triumph. The power is in your hands, if you simply persist and believe. Danny G.
The Power That Moves Worlds
God has given you free will to choose as you wish. You have the power that moves worlds inside you, and you can either choose light, or darkness. Whatever you choose defines the whole of who you are, and it defines your life story and whichever lives you touch. Danny G.
Self Respect
Self respect is knowing when you had enough. Self respect is knowing when someone is taking you for granted. Self respect is caring for yourself enough, that you don’t allow others to make you feel less than who you are. Danny G.
Seek Joy Not Sorrow
If you want to win the battle in your mind, seek forgiveness, don’t seek revenge. For seeking revenge never brings inner peace and joy, as it only brings sorrow in the end. You created your own prison by feeling bitterness and resentment, and it only brought you sadness and misery. So do yourself a favor, today seek joy, not sorrow. Danny G.
Your Power and Origin
You fail to care for yourself because you see yourself as unworthy and undeserving. You see yourself as frail, powerless, while allowing others to diminish your value. Understanding your power and origin is your very purpose of living, and you allowed others’ misalignment to convince you of everything you’re not. Accept you’re a work in progress bound to know yourself better, and accept you’re a work in progress bound to explore your origin and reason for being. Take a step back and realize your power is through the infinity that you are, not from others’ misconceptions, of who they think you are. Danny G.
A Victor and Overcomer
Don’t forget you’re a human being with imperfections on the verge of change. You’re a work in progress, on a spiritual evolution with weaknesses and strengths. Though you may fail from time to time, and you may forget from time to time, always remember your origin, that you’re a victor and overcomer, and you have been since birth. Danny G.
Don’t Underestimate You
I’d be lying if I told you your environment didn’t have a say in who you are as a person. I’d also be lying if I told you that you are shackled in the midst of it, with no control. Your environment doesn’t define who you are, you do. Your spiritual evolution chose this environment for your personal growth, and now it’s up to you to create. Whether you had a positive environment, or a negative one, your perseverance and faith determines what comes next. Danny G.
Move Forward With Boldness
Don’t miss out on what’s right in front of you because you’re scared of the past repeating itself. Accept the past with loving eyes, and move forward with boldness and a spring in your step. Know with complete awareness, all is well, and everything works out together for good, if you simply persist. Danny G.
Remind Yourself
Most of your barriers are caused by your feelings of inadequacies. For if you knew the power that dwells inside you, you wouldn’t fear, and you would never feel weak. The key is to remind yourself of this power, until you feel it in your body. Then you’ll say nothing can tear me down, and nothing can interfere with my divine mission. Danny G.