You set your own rules of the game, but always remember actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Make sure you create something meaningful, something you’re proud of, and something that makes you happy. Isn’t joy the reason we want anything? Therefore, creation is precious, karmic, and it should always include what brings the ultimate joy, not sorrow. Danny G.
Reflection of You
True love should allow you to become the best version of you. If it causes you to distance yourself, know it’s not love. If it causes you to be who you truly are, that’s love. Your life partner should a reflection of your inner thoughts and feelings. Danny G.
Yearning and Manifestation
A yearning is the beginning to life’s every desire. Every desire has a means of manifestation, if we look within and persist. The path will be shown step by step as we march forward with our vision at the forefront. Challenges come and go as we tread the path of our divine mission. With every challenge, comes seasons, growth, and newfound romance. A simple persistence and simple optimism with a sturdy vision, always brings about the best outcome and joy out of life. Danny G.
The Dove
Be the dove, who advocates peace despite the treachery and chaos of today. The dove doesn’t seek revenge, for he knows everyone faces their own karma of treachery and cruelty. He knows he is in the creator’s hands, and he knows he is in good standing. He knows the creator will move mountains on his behalf, and he knows the creator will protect him as he becomes the dove he was created to be. Danny G.
The Phoenix
The phoenix always rises from the ashes that was intended to burn him, knowing with complete awareness the victory is his. The ashes doesn’t scare him, for he knows it’s only a rebirth from the indefinite cycle. He uses the ashes to propel him and transform himself into the phoenix he was created and born to be. Danny G.
Just Roll With It
Never force it into being. Allow life to unfold the way it should, according to your every thought, word and action. What is meant to be is a must, and there’s no changing its course. Just roll with it and be who you truly are, and then let life bring you the essence of your every desire. Danny G.
Perception Means Everything
It is only the mind preventing us from growing older gracefully. It is only the mind preventing us from healing gracefully time and time again. It is only the mind preventing us from going further than we ever imagined. Some people spend a lifetime denying these statements. Some people devote their lives to these truths. The ones who devote their lives to these teachings are the ones who live in possibilities and faith. With possibility and faith, miracles unleash for our divine purpose and destiny. Danny G.
Gods in Human Form
Fear foresees into the future creating all types of scenarios. Fear is getting the opposite of what we want, or the absence of what we want. When we realize we’re all Gods in human forms experiencing the physical dimension, we know there’s nothing to fear. We know we have the greatest power inside our body, and we know a simple shift of faith is enough to change the course in our favor, and ultimately our divine destiny and will. Danny G.
Choose Optimism
Unhappiness is dissatisfaction with the present. It’s dissatisfaction with where you are, and what comes next. It’s a mind bombarded with fears, pessimism, and bitterness. Unhappiness always sees the worst despite all the good standing next to it. It’s a stream of affirmations contrary to happiness. It’s everything you’re not, and it’s going against the natural stream of life. If you want to be happy, listen to your inner dialogue, and change your perspective, choose optimism, not pessimism. Danny G.
A Twist of Faith
When we have nothing to stretch our faith, we grow complacent and stagnant in our ways. Then the storm hits us like a ton of bricks, and we fall and gasp for air in these ten feet waves. When we remember a simple twist of faith, turns the tide in our favor, we remember we have the control and power, through life’s endeavors. Danny G.