You put all your worth in another’s perception, when you know clearly you understand yourself best. You listen to them as though their opinion matters above all, as though you don’t trust your own intuition and God. Seek yourself, from within, don’t look outside you as you face the storm. Know you have everything you need, to fulfill your destiny, purpose and will. Danny G.
Don’t Miss the Journey
As he was steadily focused on the destination, life passed him by, like the blink of an eye, always waiting to be unraveled. After his life passed him by, like the blink of an eye, he observed closely, realizing, he overlooked the simple element of enjoying the journey. Danny G.
Declare and Persevere
One of the greatest challenge is accepting you created everything in your life, including your current adversities and troubles. Difficult to swallow if you’re facing much chaos and frustrations. However, when you have the awareness you created everything, you can begin to consciously direct the unfolding of your life and destiny. When you believe you’re the creator, you know the power remains in your hands. When you don’t accept you’re the creator, the power remains in the storm. Declare I created this adversity, then declare everything is working out together for my good. This is how we shift the current in our favor, and have control over the storm. This is how we declare, persist and receive our victory. Danny G.
Alignment Equals Manifestation
Can you identify a time when you lost your alignment and your dream or solution drifted away? You had it in the grip of your hand, then you lost it through your misalignment, and fears. The best solution to this dilemma is to devote a few minutes every day for your alignment and balance. When you invest time for your spiritual evolution and awareness, the universe opens doors that seemed insurmountable from the start. Danny G.
Ponder the Solution
When you have a lingering fear that persists for a while, and you do nothing to stop the negative thought, you move towards it by your focus. When you ponder the solution, you move towards the solution, just as when you ponder the fear, you move towards the fear. Since we have the choice every moment of every day, which thought would you rather think? Faith or fear? There’s actually only two options. The choice is up to you. Danny G.
Don’t Deny It
The limited belief “it’s too good to be true,” essentially is denying the magnificence of God and creation. It’s denying everything that was orchestrated and created for you, the evolution of our species, and the evolution of all that is. Danny G.
Overcoming Grief
The best solution to overcoming grief is remembering although our time on this physical plane is limited, we all reunite in another dimension, indefinitely. Remember this when you mourn, and remember you still have a life to live, and keep in mind happiness still lies ahead. Danny G.
Quote for Today
You were never meant to fix something that was never broken to begin with. Danny G.
The Law is in Your Favor
If you don’t change your persistent negative thoughts, you will not be happy and you will not receive all the abundance life has to offer. We can say the law works in our favor to lead us to our divine destination, and to lead us to our calling, which inevitably, always brings joy.
Danny G.
Choose Wisely
Actions have either positive rewards or negative consequences. Our loving father, God, would much rather you get the rewards then the negative consequences through your poor choices. If you don’t pay any attention to your thoughts or actions, you will end up living a lie, which is essentially, a life of many troubles. If you’re pessimistic, persistently fearful or you behave carelessly, you will face the consequences, not because God loves you any less, but because God gave you the gift of free will, and you chose poorly. God is a spirit of love and compassion, and anything other than this definition, is not from him. You are an extension of God through the unique soul that you are. Anything that is not love is not who you are. Your soul chooses God and compassion, not the choices that would steer you off your divine path. Danny G.