Breaking the Barriers

Standing before the steadfast wall,

Uncertain of what path may be,

I declare my wants 

As if it’s my destiny. 

Only then I can shatter the wall,

When I seek within 

And shout aloud,

Faith conquers anything,

From where ever calls.

Only then I can be,

And conquer mountains in front of me,

Letting the tide sweep me away, 

As I break the barriers in front of me.  

Making A Difference

All of us want to be of value to others. We have this inner desire to make a difference in the world, because by making a difference, we know we have a purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as changing a life or it can be I changed humanity.

Many of our goals and aspirations come from an inner desire to create a positive change in the world. Do you want to get to the end of your life saying I only lived for myself? Life and the world is an interconnection of everyone who lives on this planet. We are all one in many different forms bound to come across each other’s path at one point or another.

Do you want to come to the end of your life saying I achieved great things, however, I achieved them only for myself, or at the expense of others? You want to come to the end of your life saying, I made a difference in my friend’s life, or I made a difference that impacted the world, ultimately for my own journey. Danny G.

Letting Go and Embracing the New

I know I must let go, because in the depth of my being, it’s a dead-end road bound to cause sorrow. I know I must let go, because I need to move on, and looking back perpetuates the unfolding. I know I must let go, for my own good, and I know I must let go, to move on, from the destructive hindrance, of holding on. Danny G.

Know Your Depth

Every time life gives you choices along your path, assess your intentions, so you will not forget the reason you began your journey. By assessing your motives, you will not steer away from your divine destiny and purpose. You will know the depth of your intentions, which will inevitably lead to your breakthrough. Danny G.

Never Too Far

If you didn’t measure up to God’s standards, why would he create you as you are? God knew every struggle or fall you would endure, and he still gave you the gift of life. Would a loving father punish you for eternity for one lousy mistake or a few? Would a compassionate God not welcome you back after a sincere apology? Or even after a life of deception or ongoing struggle? If he can foresee all the days of your life before your physical birth, just know you’re still here for a reason, and there’s no mistake too great, for this compassionate creator. The only way back, is to know his truths, apply them, which inevitably leads to your victory. Danny G.

You Have Everything You Need

Consider the magnitude of God, if he created the universe out of utter perfection and love. Can there be any limitations to this God and his power? The limits exist only in your mind, and your mind dictates your limitations, not your infirmities. All limitations are self-imposed, so remember this when you enter the world and face opposition and triumph. Just know you’re in control, and you define your limitations, and you have everything you need, ultimately, to fulfill your destiny. Danny G. 

Seek the Journey Not Perfection

Seeking perfection, essentially, is saying the destination is more important than the journey. It can be described as going on vacation, and telling yourself, I can’t wait to check this vacation off my list. Is perfection ever achieved? How fun is perfection, and never having anything to work towards? Do you say, I can’t wait to achieve the exhilaration of perfection? Or do you say I can’t wait to dive in and explore and experiment? Sometimes, we have delays, detours, and surprises, but if we look deeply, they all lead us back to home. What is exhilaration? A life of perfection or a life of challenges and triumphs continually evolving to new heights. Danny G. 

Choices That Lead Us Back Home

We all have unique gifts and talents to achieve our purpose, and most importantly to be happy. Everything we want, we want it for one reason, to be happy. We can say essentially it’s happiness leading us, because whenever we want something, it’s because we believe it will bring us joy.

The problem lies when we focus so much on the chaotic world, and our own distress. We focus on it until we lose our alignment, then we allow our thoughts of pessimism to consume us. Optimism and pessimism sets the course for our life, as it’s a choice, which sets things into motion, for our well-being or lack. Being fortunate or unfortunate, is a choice, and perception changes everything. Faith, joy, dread, and fear are all choices, defining who we are, and ultimately setting the stage for the arrival.

The choice is ours to our awaken, as pessimism and optimism fights to win its course. Choose joy, which sparks the flame, and ultimately leads you back home. Danny G.

Have Faith and Let Go

If he lives inside you indefinitely, know you always have what you need, and you’re always in control. The sole provider, and universal consciousness, is inside you and every consciousness on this planet. Therefore, don’t doubt, trust in the process, and have faith in your source. Danny G.

The Noble Man

The noble man is the one who acknowledges and appreciates people despite them having a title or wealth to their name. He acknowledges and appreciates people for who they are, not for appearance or status. The title means nothing for him, for he knows everything physical passes away with time. He knows the soul is eternal, and he knows the soul defines who they truly are, not physical appearance or luxury, which is irrelevant to who we are. Danny G.