Your Source and Power

God created you as you are for a reason, and he knows every mistake you will ever make until you leave this time space reality. So what do you have control over, other than being who you truly are, and ultimately the best version of you? Danny G.

Patience Where Wisdom lies (Poem)


As it remains and escapes,

Through the process of trial and error,

Where wisdom lies.

An underestimating emotion,

We cannot stand.

Though uneasy at first,

Inner peace lies.


Being steadfast and firm,

Though contradictions spies,

In a world of its own,

Of wisdom and lies.


Though uneasy and flat,

Indecisive and black,

Contemplating time and elation,

Like a fiery trial.


Though treacherous at first,

If we simply pull through,

Wisdom lies.

Choices From Our Soul (Poem)

Is there a right or wrong?

Or are there simply better choices,

That agree with our soul?

The minute we think, we got it right,

We stumble again, on unknown path.

Because life is expansion,

From the divine,

As we make up the rules,

And stand by its side.

Nothing is static,

A constant motion,

We’re simply moulding,

Life again.

Do we love this life,

Or do we dread the unknown?

Or fear the mountains,

That stand tall,

And never cease to be,

Its terrifying piece.

When we stop and reflect,

We realize there’s no right or wrong,

Simply choices, that guide us back home.

As we stumble, upon the answer,

We realize we were never wrong.

Simple journey,

Simple learning,

Or remembering what we knew,

So we can take this insight,

Into our newfound life,

And shout out loud, to the divine.

Saying we’re born again,

Let’s dream out loud,

In this illusionary world,

Where we think out loud,

And write the script.

Look Within

Have you ever heard of someone who’s always grumpy, complaining, and pessimistic about life? Can he have a fabulous life? Even if he did have a fabulous life, he wouldn’t recognize it, therefore, he wouldn’t be happy. Do you want to be the bitter pessimistic person, or do you want to be the optimistic, and appreciative survivor? A sour outlook on life will never get you anywhere. Be the person who says I’m going to be positive and grateful despite negative circumstances or conditions. Danny G.

Living Consciously

Don’t sleep walk and live carelessly, or you’ll end up living a lie with many troubles. Contemplate your motives and actions, so that in the end, you won’t regret your choices, and you will be pleased you made a decision to live consciously. Danny G.

All Power is From Within

Every disease is caused by one of these three things-thoughts, words or actions. Every failure is derived from either thoughts, words or actions. Every success is derived from thoughts, words or actions. 

Saying disease, failure or success comes from another source other than our thoughts, words and actions is to deny our own power and control over the situation. Denying our power over the situation is saying all outcome comes from an outside force, in which we have no control. 

Whenever you say an outcome is from an outside force, you lose all control, since you have no control over anything that is outside of you. The only control you have is through your thoughts, words and actions.

Other people’s behavior and the world at large is out of your control. The only power you have over others and the world is through your power of influence. You cannot choose for them. The only control you have over events and circumstances, is your reaction, which has the power to change the situation positively or negatively. 

All action stems from thoughts and words. All words stem from thoughts. First you have the thought, then you speak about it, then you act on it. Think about something long enough you speak about it, and then you speak about it long enough, you act on it.

There can’t be a universe without thoughts nor can there be a disease without thoughts that created it. Nor can there be failures or success without thoughts that created it. It’s our thoughts, words and actions which writes the story of our lives and the universe.

Lifestyle choices, stress, worrying, pessimism, despair, fear, and feelings of vulnerability all create our lives including disease, or any type of failure. The only reason we don’t know thoughts are the primary cause for these negative creations is because we’ve been thinking about it for so long that we accepted it as our reality. We’ve accepted this reality as our truth and beliefs. We bury these thoughts for so long and we do nothing to confront them, and then the thoughts become our everyday conversation and experience. 

The answer to change this current reality is to write another story and to continue speaking about it even if your current reality contradicts your new and improved story. You need to continue to declare it until this new story becomes your beliefs and expectations and inevitably your new life story.

Letting Go (Poem)

As before I was searching for meaning,

Through others and approval.

I can’t fathom the belittling,

Through friends,

And peers.

The teacher who would be constantly 

On my case.

About not listening,

And being spaced out,

All day.

Too serious and in my head.

As he made comments,

And mockery,

Without end.

I hated school,

Got mostly Cs,

Just to say I was passing.

Too busy in my own world,

Of music, horse-play,

And band gigs.

Although the words still ring,

Loudly in my ears,

About being stupid and socially weird,

And busy in my own world,

Of depression and fear of my own.

As I contemplate,

The journey and the steep hill,

My resurrection from the pit,

Of disguise and depression,

My self-made misery

Of despair.

Though others simply mirrored back

What I felt.

As I reflect,

On the mountain,

And the dangers,

Of the storm.

It all shaped who I am,

As I molded the clay,

Revived myself from the pit,

Sought myself,

And the divine,

And let go of the past.

Seeing With Different Lenses

Some people won’t bother asking questions to understand someone, but if they would, perhaps this understanding would help them see the person and situation with different lenses. Maybe this understanding would allow them to see that everyone has a story, and a reason for who they are today. Maybe they would realize they were basing their observations on preconceived notions rather than facts. If they would simply reach out, their assumption may turn into understanding and compassion, not judging before knowing. Danny G. 

The Soul and the Ego (Poem)

She is insecure.

Although on the outside,

She’s the life of the party,

That everyone loves.

An outgoing personality, 

Attractive and provocative,

She stops at nothing, 

And can get any guy she wants.


Inside she feels,

Afraid and Uneasy, 

So she puts on an act, 

To avoid revealing herself.

Hiding beneath true feelings, 

In an attempt to portray herself,

Normally among the rest.

She is afraid,

To acknowledge him,

To admit she admires him.

For he doesn’t seem her type,

So she puts on a disguise,

And puts on a show,

Because what matters to her most,

Is her ego, and not her soul.

Although on the outside,

She appears to be happy,

Inside she feels empty and lonely,

Fickle and relentless,

Always trying to avoid, 

The negative chatter and her voice.

So she puts him on hold,

Because what matters to her most is her ego,

And not her soul.

Be Moved by Compassion Not Anger

If you knew an individual was in despair, and you knew everything you said to this person would be detrimental for his well-being and safety, how careful would you be? How do you know the person you encounter is not in despair? Your rejection and mistreatment can be one of the many things that causes him to give up on life. Therefore, think before acting, and be moved by compassion, not judgment or anger. Danny G.