Two Minds Within You

You have two minds within you. One is motivation, inspiration and wisdom. The other is lack, inferiority and pessimism. One says you can, and the other says you can’t. Which ever one you listen to determines the rest. Danny G. 

The Gateway

Questions are the gateway to wisdom and enlightenment. For you cannot receive without asking. Without questions, you remain, but with questions you grow. With questions, you seek further. With questions you understand more. With questions, you create greater self awareness and transformation. Danny G. 

Smile At the Intensity

Smile at the intensity. See it as under your feet, resolved and evolved. From any vantage point, you can create anew. You can be the Phoenix who rises from the ashes, moves beyond it and thrives. Danny G. 

Remember Yesterday

Always remember where you came from. It may not seem like progress and personal growth, but if you see into the distant past, you would see wisdom evolve. You would see reminders from your soul. You would see a different person from yesterday. You are always changing and evolving, and with time on your side, you will see a beautiful unfolding. Danny G. 

Building Self Awareness

One day you’ll understand why that door closed. You’ll understand why a chapter ended and a new one began. You’ll understand it with bright colored lenses, and you’ll know God was with you from the start, and he had your best interest at heart. Danny G. 

The Ultimate Source

Wisdom requires exploration to discover. You can allow the experience to turn you pessimistic or bitter, or you can allow it to inspire and enlighten you. You can allow exploration to turn you astray, or you can allow it to guide your journey. Experience and exploration can either destroy you, or it can cause you to triumph. The answer lies in your reaction, and seeking inward for the ultimate source. Danny G. 

The Aging Process

Inevitably, through experience we gain wisdom as we age. Though wrinkles fills our face, we can never replace wisdom, which is gathered from the journey of falls and detours. It’s a journey of trial and error with a destination and good intentions. When we live from this mindset, there is no end, simply lessons gained from our soul. Danny G. 

Success Or Excuses

Do you want success or excuses? You can’t have them both. Wanting success is the first step, then you must change your thoughts, feelings and behavior. You must change from excuses to how can I? Then follow inspired action, and allow success to become essentially who you are. Danny G. 

Success Leaves Trails

Success leaves trails. Whatever you’re seeking, follow the trail of the wise man. Follow the trail of the humble man. Follow the trail of the successful man. Whatever has been done can be redone by you. And whatever hasn’t been done can be mastered by you. Danny G.