Embrace the Genius

Embrace the genius within you. You embrace it by faith, wisdom and persistence. You embrace it by quieting the mind and contemplating. You embrace it by saying I can instead of I can’t. And you embrace it by embracing your authenticity and unique calling. Danny G. 

Words With Wisdom

Words are meant to come together for the purpose of evolution and expansion. We have the power to hurt another or uplift another. They can teach or destroy. They can resonate with a multitude for years to come, or they can vanish instantaneously. Words combined with wisdom and insights have the potential to empower generation after generation. Danny G. 

Waiting To Be Explored

Don’t focus on merely getting your needs supplied. Think bigger, dream bigger, for you are meant for much more. Be grateful to have your needs provided, but let it be your indication that there is much more beyond the horizon waiting to be explored. Danny G. 

The Wise and Faithful Ones

Do you want to be part of the solution or the problem? Anyone can find reasons why it won’t work out. Everyone can take the easy way out. The wise and faithful ones say, this is only meant to propel me for greater change and transformation. Danny G. 

Quote for Today

Whatever you desire, you want it for the joy of it. Seek first the emotion. Seek joy, peace and the world will mirror back your genuine song. Danny G. 

The Vision Of You

When you know who you are, whatever contradicts the vision of you, doesn’t remain in your heart. Don’t allow others to determine who you are, declare who you are, and redefine yourself into the phoenix you’re created and born to be. Danny G. 

Programmed Consciously

Do you want to be programmed environmentally, or do you want to be programmed consciously? Being programmed environmentally is allowing our environments to take control and lead us. Being programmed consciously is building self awareness, and discovering our true potential, power and self control. Danny G. 

An Empowering Thought

The fear and dread may come back time and time again. Some things are hard to forget. The goal shouldn’t be to forget, as it should be to replace it with an empowering thought. The more you replace it, the more the negative thought dissipates. Replace it enough, and that negative hold will vanish. Danny G. 

A Simple Melody

A melody in coherence creates artistic talent. Add two instruments out of chorus and it becomes incoherent. Your mind works the same way. When you think in coherence, you create a beautiful melody. When your thoughts are chaotic, you create chaos. Danny G. 

You’re Paving the Path

Your inner guidance is always within you, directing you. At times that wisdom shows up as signs to take action or take a step back. It’s better to hear it in the early stages and act on it than wait for a crisis. You can always take action, even in the midst of great adversities. If you take action early, you’re paving the path before you for greater success. Danny G.