Inner Peace in the Midst Of It

Seek inner peace in the midst of your adversities. Having inner peace despite the challenges is the best means to conquer them. Peace is seeing life through the eyes of source. From this space, wisdom, faith and clarity overcomes all. Danny G. 

The Broader Self

Stay balanced in your mission regardless of what the world is saying. True leaders listen to their inner guidance and wisdom. They don’t seek outside themselves for the answer or solution. They know the answer comes from within, as they stay grounded and in alignment with their broader self and perspective. Danny G. 

The Art Of Deliberate Creation

Don’t follow the trend. Follow your inner guidance and wisdom. That’s where you’ll discover your true potential, power and self control. Hold fast to the vision you hold in your heart, and you’ll discover the art of deliberate creation. Danny G. 

Strengthen Your Roots

Strengthen your roots, so that when the storm surges through, you will be still standing like the palm tree that bends but never falls. Seek inward for the ultimate wisdom, and the peace that transcends all understanding. All this makes you stronger, wiser and the warrior you always were and always will be. Danny G. 

Move Steadfastly

Don’t seek to be free of adversities, for out of them springs the greatest potential for growth and transformation. Move steadfastly and whole heartedly towards your vision, seek inner peace despite the challenges, and the destination is yours with persistence and faith. Danny G. 

Mastering Emotions

Mastering your emotions is learning to have inner peace despite life’s imperfections and struggles. It’s riding the waves with peace and love in your heart, regardless of the havoc around you. It’s who you are meant to be, a God or Goddess in human form, destined to thrive. Danny G. 

From the Soul

As the tide comes surging through wanting to pull you in, stand firmly in what you know, and what you learned before the storm. From within lies wisdom, faith and peace. From within lies strength, resilience and the answers from the depth of your soul. Danny G. 

A World Of Wisdom

Stop arguing with life. Don’t fight against it or resist it. See your anger as a motivator to move past it. See it as a lesson to bring out the best you. When you allow the anger to turn into pessimism, or bitterness, you’re allowing the anger to control you. Empower yourself by seeing what this anger is telling you. Seek inward, and you’ll discover a world of wisdom within you. Danny G. 

Creating Our Will

We’re all participating in the writing of our own will. We write the will of our life through the picture we hold in our mind. We paint it, sculpt it and scatter all our creativity into it, creating the masterpiece of our life. Danny G. 

Pause Be Still and Listen

Stop ignoring the early subtle signs. Source is always guiding you, providing wisdom and helping you achieve your desires. When you keep ignoring the signs, unwanted challenges make their way into your everyday life. Pause, be still, listen and when the sign comes, follow the inspiration, take action and let it take you back home. Danny G.