Thought for Today

Your words and behavior towards others are powerful. Accumulation of negative words, lies and judgment has a way to break some people over time. For you don’t know where they’ve been and where they’re at in their life. That harsh statement can cause a trigger, and persistent triggers over time has a way to change that person. Think about a compassionate environment and its many benefits, and think about an environment of mental abuse. When people know they are loved, they bring that love to others and humanity and that’s what creates healing in the world. When people know that they are worthy, they bring that into the world. When they know they deserve love, it’s healing to the mind and soul, for worthiness changes a person’s outlook and it attracts the same from others. Don’t be ruled by your ego or preconceived notions, change lives for the better, for jealousy never wins in the eyes of God. Danny G. 

Your Only Requirement

Your only requirement: be your best where you are with what you have, and expect the universe to do the rest. Your only power: thoughts, words, and actions. Together they can move mountains on your behalf. Danny G.

Being Conscientious and Bold

If your every thought, word, and action is creating your present today and your future tomorrow, what do you wish to do for yourself and others? Be conscientious while remaining bold, and remember you are the master of your destiny, destined for greatness. Know that by staying in alignment, you inevitably make the world a brighter place to live. Danny G.

Masterpiece in Imperfection

Your environment doesn’t create your future, but your reaction defines everything. You mold your present and future with your persistent thoughts, words and actions. Just like a beautiful flower can bloom in a garden of weeds, you too can bloom exactly where you stand. Therefore create a masterpiece in the midst of imperfection and contrast. Danny G.

Belief Faith and Expectation

Belief, faith, and expectation are your indicators of what comes next. If your belief, faith, and expectation are aligned with your desire, then nothing can prevent its course. You are a match to whatever it is you’re attracting, and whatever it is you’re not attracting. Therefore, be conscientious about your thoughts, words, and allow the inspiration, and action steps to lead you to your every desire. Danny G.

Programming the Mind

You can program your mind to be, do, and have anything you want. Think about something long enough, your words and behavior will follow behind, and it will eventually spill out in the external world. Therefore, program your mind for health, happiness, and success, and eventually your external world will embrace the essence of your thoughts, and desires. Danny G. 

Your Greatest Power

Your only control and power is being your best where you are with what you have, and being grateful where you currently stand. That’s the only control you’ll ever have, through thoughts, words and behavior. The rest must be left to the universal forces to guide you and unleash its magic. Danny G.

Gratification and Solace

Look not at my words, for words are the most dense means of communication. Words hold contradictions, misinterpretations, and mistranslations, if you look merely at the words. Listen to the meaning of the words, and you will find the gratification and solace you’ve been yearning for. Danny G.

All Power is From Within

Every disease is caused by one of these three things-thoughts, words or actions. Every failure is derived from either thoughts, words or actions. Every success is derived from thoughts, words or actions. 

Saying disease, failure or success comes from another source other than our thoughts, words and actions is to deny our own power and control over the situation. Denying our power over the situation is saying all outcome comes from an outside force, in which we have no control. 

Whenever you say an outcome is from an outside force, you lose all control, since you have no control over anything that is outside of you. The only control you have is through your thoughts, words and actions.

Other people’s behavior and the world at large is out of your control. The only power you have over others and the world is through your power of influence. You cannot choose for them. The only control you have over events and circumstances, is your reaction, which has the power to change the situation positively or negatively. 

All action stems from thoughts and words. All words stem from thoughts. First you have the thought, then you speak about it, then you act on it. Think about something long enough you speak about it, and then you speak about it long enough, you act on it.

There can’t be a universe without thoughts nor can there be a disease without thoughts that created it. Nor can there be failures or success without thoughts that created it. It’s our thoughts, words and actions which writes the story of our lives and the universe.

Lifestyle choices, stress, worrying, pessimism, despair, fear, and feelings of vulnerability all create our lives including disease, or any type of failure. The only reason we don’t know thoughts are the primary cause for these negative creations is because we’ve been thinking about it for so long that we accepted it as our reality. We’ve accepted this reality as our truth and beliefs. We bury these thoughts for so long and we do nothing to confront them, and then the thoughts become our everyday conversation and experience. 

The answer to change this current reality is to write another story and to continue speaking about it even if your current reality contradicts your new and improved story. You need to continue to declare it until this new story becomes your beliefs and expectations and inevitably your new life story.