Perception Changes Everything

You can see this world and humanity as merely evolution and happenstance, or you can see it as creation from the divine and all its interconnected beings. You can see it as chaos or havoc, or you can see it as your opportunity for growth and unity. Perception changes everything including you and all the lives you touch. Danny G. 

Fear Not In A Fearful World

How to not let the fear of others become your own

I want to first emphasize that I’m not against the government and health officials and the health and safety practices to avoid the spread of disease. However, looking around me I see fear everywhere and I wanted to share my insights and philosophies on what brings me peace of mind and security during these difficult times. How do we not become fearful in a fearful world and most importantly when it affects the entire planet and our loved ones? 

I believe in following health and safety regulations and avoiding contamination by all means. The problem is our anxiety is skyrocketing from the chaos and diseases on this planet. I do believe there must be a strong focus on eliminating the spread, however, there’s a fine line between focusing on the solution or obsessing over the disease. 

We’ve heard the many spiritual masters of our time say what you focus on, you perpetuate, so the more people focus on this matter with fear and dread rather than the solution, they’re perpetuating the problem. 

It sounds easier said than done and for most it’s very difficult to do so, however practice and repetition is key. If someone can practice their skills and abilities enough to be a professional ball player or professional stock broker, one can practice not being fearful in a fearful or chaotic world.

If someone is mentally and spiritually strong, no matter what the adversity is, he should have the will and strength to overcome it. If someone is constantly stressed and he or she gets sick, is there much energy left to fight off the disease? 

Take someone who is optimistic, and he has faith that he will overcome, the journey may not be easy but at least he’s investing his energy towards wellness. Whatever you focus on you perpetuate, so perpetuate the right things. 

We only have so much energy during the day and if we focus all our energy on complaining, or our fears, then a little flu can appear much more painful than it really is. I don’t want to make light of the situation, I just want to empathize having inner peace in a fearful world is possible. Having peace despite the chaos is possible, and when you do have peace, you’re a much stronger influence to help others remain well or recover. 

So my question to you is, what influence do you want to be, and what thoughts do you want to entertain?

Faith and Triumph

You’re a two part being, with a body and soul, and you dwell in the world with heavenly forces waiting to assist you. Embrace who you are, know your depth, and the power of faith and triumph, will be yours to claim. Danny G. 

The Evolution of Your Soul

Don’t negate one as if one takes all. We need doctors as much as we need philosophers, and we need philosophers as much as we need scientists. And we need medicine as much as we need faith. It takes contrast to create a world, and it takes contrast to create a greater world. Just don’t neglect the most important element of all, which is the evolution of your soul. Danny G.

God’s Will

If it’s God’s will, just know he will conspire on your behalf. For God’s will cannot be thwarted and it cannot be avoided. Whether you make a difference in a few lives, or you make a difference in a million lives, every difference you make creates a brighter humanity. Danny G.

Our Infinite Intelligence

Anybody can tap into the infinite intelligence, and everybody’s infinite intelligence is unique in one way or another. That’s why everybody brings something much needed to the world. When we recognize our uniqueness and power, we are aware of our inner gifts and guiding light to share with the world. Danny G.

Making A Difference

All of us want to be of value to others. We have this inner desire to make a difference in the world, because by making a difference, we know we have a purpose. Making a difference can be as simple as changing a life or it can be I changed humanity.

Many of our goals and aspirations come from an inner desire to create a positive change in the world. Do you want to get to the end of your life saying I only lived for myself? Life and the world is an interconnection of everyone who lives on this planet. We are all one in many different forms bound to come across each other’s path at one point or another.

Do you want to come to the end of your life saying I achieved great things, however, I achieved them only for myself, or at the expense of others? You want to come to the end of your life saying, I made a difference in my friend’s life, or I made a difference that impacted the world, ultimately for my own journey. Danny G.

Fearlessly Face the Unknown (Poem)

There’s a whole world and vision in front of me now.

Behind remains status quo, and chains keeping me down.

Shall I dance with what lies in front of me now,

Or look up to the sky and depart.

Exhilaration is calling me, 

From a stand of nothing

But my father’s hand.

Shall I leap away,

Or allow the chains to remain.

My limp causes me to stay

As I focus on my infirmities

And fear along the way.

What choice shall it be, 

Let the fear take over?  

Or fearlessly face the unknown?