God’s Unconditional Love

If you can see that you chose this environment for your own evolution, you would see perfection within the environment and conditions. Nobody is without challenges and nobody is without weaknesses. True healing comes from acceptance, believing in your worthiness, and knowing God’s unconditional love. Danny G. 

Embrace the Opportunity

If you focus on the familiar all the time, and you never push your boundaries, you will remain and never change. But if you focus on the unknown, declare you are worthy, strong with steadfastness and faith, you’ll embrace the opportunity to create anew. From this space, anything is possible, and anything is within your reach. Danny G. 

Become Prosperity

If you want prosperity, become prosperity. Don’t see prosperity as something to chase. See it as an inner knowing that prosperity belongs to you, it’s in you and you deserve it. Declare what’s yours through the divine, and know nothing is outside your reach. You are an extension of the divine guiding your way through the jungles of time and space. Know that through faith, it’s already yours. Danny G. 

The Greatest Creation and Imagination

Don’t be afraid of change and the unknown. For the greatest creation and imagination stems from the unknown. It’s what allows you to redefine yourself and create anew. Face it head on, know you are worthy, know you are capable, and know the universal force is guiding you, every step of the way. Danny G. 

Mastering Your Reality

When you’re confident, worthy and full of faith, others only reinstate what you project. If you truly believed in yourself, others’ disbelief would not matter. If you are insecure, everything that people say or do reminds you of your insecurities. The secret to changing your outer world is to change your inner world. Have faith, know you are worthy and believe in the God or Goddess you are. When you master this, you master your reality. Danny G. 

Remember Your Worthiness

Spend time with people who lift your spirits, and believes in your potential and authenticity. Pessimism, bitterness and anger zaps your strength and energy. Your environment should make you feel joyful and grateful. Find the right motivation and dreams that keep on calling you to move forward. Never settle midway through your breakthrough, and know you are worthy of your heart’s desires. You’re always in the process of creation, and with perseverance and faith, your destination is inevitable. Danny G. 

Relive the Good and Worthy

Your present is a record of the past, and your subconscious is a record of the past. The more you relive it, and act on it, the more you perpetuate it. Therefore, relive what is good and worthy of you, and let go of any negative attachment. Danny G. 

Complete Worthy and Capable

The ego is an act of separation from the divine. It acts merely out of the human self, and it never feels complete and worthy. Recognizing your depth, your soul and the divinity you are is essentially realizing your power and who you truly are. When you act from this space, you feel complete, worthy and capable of achieving all odds. All great creation, harmony and unity comes from this space of egoless acts. All authenticity comes from this place of worthiness and compassion. When you know this fully, you’re able to shine your light in your unique and authentic way. This creates the new version of you and your newfound life. Danny G. 

Realize Your Power

Stop condemning what is good and what you’re worthy of. You say you don’t deserve it because you’re not worthy. You say you don’t deserve it because of your failure and past mistakes. And you say you don’t deserve it because you haven’t lived up to the grandest version of you. Nobody reaches the mountain top without falling from time to time. Embrace the journey of ups and downs, but don’t let the downs define you, and recognize the divine being you are. Danny G. 

Inevitable Creation

Your self worthiness and confidence has a great effect on how you live your life. It defines your future, and your creation. Know you are worthy for expansion on every level and to achieve great things. It all starts with the image you project in your mind of yourself. Declare your worthiness, declare your confidence, and your inevitable creation. Danny G.