Unique and Worthy Mission

Being needy for praise and admiration is an affirmation in itself. It’s saying I need this admiration to feel worthy and loved. True self love is saying I don’t need others to confirm what I already know. I don’t need others to feel worthy or loved. For I am a child of the universe, already adored. I am a child of the universe, unique, with a worthy mission. Danny G.

Dared to Believe

There was a time you stared at your monsters, filled with fear and intimidation. You couldn’t bare to look them in the eye. You saw yourself as unworthy, undeserving, and incapable. The fear was so strong you pleaded with them to let you go. The fear lingered for quite some time, and you allowed them to control you. You saw no way out but to surrender. Then an angel suddenly appeared whispering silently in your ear. The angel said all is well, you’re on the right path, and just continue to persevere. The fear turned into a fuel for courage and boldness, as you went to bed, with the monsters beneath your bed. As you were drifting into sleep, the monsters no longer scared you, as you remembered the whisper in your ear. Every time the monsters tried to wake you, you returned to the whisper in your ear. You then looked at them squared in the eye with no intimidation, just laughter at the fear you gave them. You then said an angel saved my life, and I dared to believe. Danny G.

Always and Still Worthy

You’ve dealt with enough already, and you’ve squirmed in affliction long enough. Don’t let yourself fall prey to life’s circumstances and tribulations, as though you’re not worthy enough. You were always worthy enough, you just let others convince you you’re not. Danny G.

Acceptance and Imperfections

I believe actions have consequences and we are to be the best version of ourselves and do good unto others. However, believing that we’re not worthy because we haven’t achieved a state of perfection would be denying or forsaking God’s own creation. Danny G.